N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft
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 December 2nd

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

Number of posts : 3838
Age : 41
Location : Intown
Registration date : 2005-10-26

Player Info
Club Status: Member
Geo: Local

December 2nd Empty
PostSubject: December 2nd   December 2nd EmptyMon 26 Nov 2007, 2:27 pm

PLEASE READ THE CLUB RULES BEFORE COMING OUT: https://pgairsoft.forumotion.com/viewtopic.forum?t=142

Game Date:December 2
Location:REvans Place-check club locations
Rental GEAR+GUNS: https://pgairsoft.forumotion.com/viewtopic.forum?p=16#16
Other: Playin' in any condition, rain snow, sleet...etc.
-Pack a lunch and water
-Bring a mask(optional if over 16) http://sequoiaairsoft.com/img/bbdamage2.jpg
-Playing in any type of weather http://www.weathernetwork.com/weather/cities/can/Pages/CABC0235.htm
-Contact me or Hortons Heres if you would like to help or run any part of the day
-Players need to be over 18 or 16 with parental consent.
-Read club rules before arriving

Check out the manuals section to get familiar with some of the material before the day starts.
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December 2nd
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