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 May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis)

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Number of posts : 251
Age : 39
Location : Prince George/Coquitlam BC
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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Geo: Prince George

May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis) Empty
PostSubject: May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis)   May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis) EmptyThu 27 Mar 2008, 4:05 am


At approximately 05:00 on 3 April 2008, Iranian forces invaded the neighboring country of Turkey. Reasons for this invasion is still yet unknown. What we do know is that the Iranian forces have targeted both innocent civilians and Turkish forces. As Turkish forces attempt to hold back the invaders, it is clear that Iranian forces are heading towards the city of Hakkari. But as stated earlier...reasons for this invasion is unknown. Please stay tuned as the crisis unfolds....

location: Buster's 1 and 2
Time: 09:00 - 19:00
Date: May 10, 2008


After 3 weeks since the initial invasion, Iranian forces have pushed deeper into Turkish territory. Countless numbers of civilians and Turkish Soldiers have been killed along the way. At the moment, a stalemate is apparent, with little to no movement on either side. There are reports that the Turkish forces have currently haulted the Iranian advance just outside the city of Hakkari and sources say that their defense will soon fail if help does not arrive soon.

The United Nations has given Iran until 30 April 2008 to withdraw all of its forces from Turkish territory, otherwise the UN will be forced to send a multinational force to restore Turkish sovereignty. As far as we know, the U.S. and the U.K. have agreed to commit troops in support of their NATO ally.

The United States and the United Kingdom have both assured Turkey that military aid will be on the way if diplomatic efforts fail. So far, talks between Iran and the United States have proven to be futile. In a press conference earlier, U.S. Secretary of defence, Robert Gates, stated that "if Iran does not comply with international demands to withdraw their troops, the United States will not hesitate to use force in order to remove the unwelcomed visitors." Similarly, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said that the U.K. would provide military troops if diplomatic talks fail.


US and UK forces: Marpat,Desert Marpat, ACU, DPM, Desert DPM

Turkish Forces: Woodland (Limited Space available)

Iranian forces: All other camo


7 May 2008, The UN deadline for Iran to withdraw their forces have passed. The United States has now given Iran until May 9, 2008 to remove all troops from Turkey or face military coercion.

Last edited by chinese_gunman on Wed 07 May 2008, 6:53 am; edited 5 times in total
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Number of posts : 251
Age : 39
Location : Prince George/Coquitlam BC
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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Club Status: Member
Geo: Prince George

May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis) Empty
PostSubject: Re: May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis)   May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis) EmptyTue 06 May 2008, 1:34 am


everyone check ur pm..teams have been sent out
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Number of posts : 251
Age : 39
Location : Prince George/Coquitlam BC
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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Club Status: Member
Geo: Prince George

May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis) Empty
PostSubject: Re: May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis)   May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis) EmptyWed 07 May 2008, 6:54 am

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May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis) Empty
PostSubject: Re: May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis)   May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis) Empty

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May 10th milsim (Operation Nemesis)
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