N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft
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4 posters

Number of posts : 7
Age : 39
Location : Prince George
Registration date : 2008-04-18

ExplosiveEntryTactics Empty
PostSubject: ExplosiveEntryTactics   ExplosiveEntryTactics EmptyTue 22 Apr 2008, 6:10 pm

Hey everyone, its good to be on the forum finally so hello to everyone. i found out about all this from Brad at practical to tactical. he was talking with one of our members and i was very interested. i have a cheap p230 repeater for a side arm for now and i was gonna rent guns for a while. ideally i want a sig 228 replica and a folding stock short mp5 with vertical grip. i have balaclavas and a paintball mask as well as a replica us army camo vest. oh and about me i am 22 and on my way to going back to school. i have taken university as well as college courses in the past but havent really found my calling yet, plenty of time, just not money. which would be nice to have joining this sport. let the questions fire folks.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

Number of posts : 320
Age : 40
Location : Quesnel
Registration date : 2007-06-10

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Geo: West Side

ExplosiveEntryTactics Empty
PostSubject: Re: ExplosiveEntryTactics   ExplosiveEntryTactics EmptyTue 22 Apr 2008, 6:19 pm

Welcome aboard. If you want to get the ball rolling for access to used guns online, talk to Hortons Heros about getting Age Verified for Airsoftcanada.com...some of the stuff that comes up for sale over there is insane.

In the meantime, have a good look through the forums, talk to people, and get comfortable. Once again, welcome to the sport.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

Number of posts : 3838
Age : 41
Location : Intown
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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Club Status: Member
Geo: Local

ExplosiveEntryTactics Empty
PostSubject: Re: ExplosiveEntryTactics   ExplosiveEntryTactics EmptyTue 22 Apr 2008, 7:11 pm

look forward to meeting you.
If you go with an MP5 I recomend the MP5pdw/k. They have a better gear box and are a newer design. I'll show you mine sometime and I'm sure you'll be hooked.

Do you plan to go out of town for schooling at all? Are you from town origonally?
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 39
Location : Prince George
Registration date : 2008-04-18

ExplosiveEntryTactics Empty
PostSubject: Re: ExplosiveEntryTactics   ExplosiveEntryTactics EmptyTue 22 Apr 2008, 10:44 pm

ive been in town for 10 years and im not going anywhere soon. thankz for the tips and advice guys.
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Number of posts : 1059
Age : 53
Location : PG
Registration date : 2007-08-26

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Club Status: ---
Geo: North Hart

ExplosiveEntryTactics Empty
PostSubject: Re: ExplosiveEntryTactics   ExplosiveEntryTactics EmptyThu 24 Apr 2008, 2:38 pm

I ran into Josh (EET) @ Company Quartermaster, yes Wayne finally returned from his walkabout. Josh seemed quite excited to get out there and start fragging.
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ExplosiveEntryTactics Empty
PostSubject: Re: ExplosiveEntryTactics   ExplosiveEntryTactics Empty

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