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 For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)

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3 posters
Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) EmptySat 03 May 2008, 11:42 am

Im interested in what people might want to trade for this wonderful clone!

TSD VSR-10 Clone
- Black Version
- 430 fps stock
- very accurate
- comes with 2 TSD mags and 2 deepfiremags
- 3-9x40 Illuminated scope with sunshade
- Weaver high scope rings
- Cheek rest
- Never gamed
- Repainted flat black with Krylon for a nice texture, no plastic feel
- Only 300 rounds fired
- Top and bottom rails

EDIT: I should also mention that if you order a GSPEC (not a normal VSR) barrel adapter from a place like redwolf, you'll be able to add a silencer.

Im interested in trades for whatever AIRSOFT (except sidearms and project guns), I can include cash and/or things from my Accessories sale thread on ASC.

For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Dscf2381hs4.th
For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Dscf2382hg8.th
For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Dscf2383cy3.th

The accuracy on this rifle is allot better than I imagined. With the .2s that came with the gun I can easily hit a man sized target at 100+ feet or more 60% of the time due to the crappy BBs.

With name brand .2s I can hit the same sized target 70% of the time at the same distance and when I get up to .36's I can hit a chest sized target 90% of the time (95% hitting a man sized target).

At 60+ feet you'd be able to pick off head shots with ease even with the crappiest of BBs although some BBs like to float or spin.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) EmptySun 04 May 2008, 12:03 pm

Ok I am now selling this to finance a Fullstock JG 416! $250 obo plus shipping without the scope! If someone buys it TONIGHT for my asking price I'll throw in this:

For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Dscf2368pi5.th
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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) EmptyMon 05 May 2008, 11:09 am

if you want a sword ill trade ya Smile
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) EmptyMon 05 May 2008, 11:20 am

Sorry Ive currently got this up for sale for $175 (without the scope and cheek rest) I think it was so I could buy something else.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) EmptyThu 08 May 2008, 1:15 pm

Ok this damn thing is still available! If someone wants it for $175 plus shipping I'll be in Quesnel on the 11th and 12th of May for my hospital appointment and I can ship it greyhound for $15!
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) EmptyFri 09 May 2008, 10:45 am

Ok I really need to sell this before I leave, So I'll go $175 SHIPPED by greyhound if someone gets to me before Saturday night!
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the spork of death
the spork of death

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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) EmptyFri 09 May 2008, 3:37 pm

id go for it cause they are rockin guns but i just ordered $500 in parts and upgrades for my m4if its still around in 2 weeks il gladly take it though
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

Number of posts : 562
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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) EmptyFri 09 May 2008, 3:41 pm

The only reason Im selling it is due to needing parts for my car, if it doesn't sell before Saturday night I'll most likely keep it. I love this thing!
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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)   For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700) Empty

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For Trade - TSD VSR-10 Clone (SD700)
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