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 July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs

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3 posters
Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

Number of posts : 320
Age : 40
Location : Quesnel
Registration date : 2007-06-10

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Geo: West Side

July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs Empty
PostSubject: July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs   July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs EmptyThu 03 Jul 2008, 9:16 pm

Little bit of a late start, but once we got out there and got going everything went very well.

Started out with two teams; one team of three with radios, and the other team of four guys, split into two fireteams. The smaller team spread themselves too thin and were outflanked and taken down one by one.

After this rather long round, we played about an hour of zombies to get everybody some trigger time.

Lastly, we had two rounds of "Assault the Ridge". The three defenders take all the construction gear (collapsable gazebo, tarps, old car hood, etc) up on the plateau and build a supply depot. Once they are ready, the other four players assault the base in whatever means they see fit, with the objective of bombing the supply depot.

Round one was taken by the defenders, without a casualty. Round two was taken by the assault team, without a casualty.

All in all, it was a great game day. Bugs were horrid, good temperature for gas, and fun was had by all.

I would also like to take a moment and welcome our newest player, Spencer, as well as bid a sad farewell to Coletrain, who is moving on friday.
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crawl tech
crawl tech

Number of posts : 36
Age : 34
Location : Williams Lake
Registration date : 2008-05-09

July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs Empty
PostSubject: Re: July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs   July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs EmptyFri 04 Jul 2008, 3:46 am

That sounds like fun I'll definitely have to get up there for a game.
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Number of posts : 1059
Age : 53
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Registration date : 2007-08-26

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Geo: North Hart

July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs Empty
PostSubject: Re: July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs   July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs EmptyFri 04 Jul 2008, 9:25 pm

well lets see pictures...
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

Number of posts : 320
Age : 40
Location : Quesnel
Registration date : 2007-06-10

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Club Status: ---
Geo: West Side

July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs Empty
PostSubject: Re: July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs   July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs EmptySat 05 Jul 2008, 11:44 am

We were all too busy shooting each other to take pics...not to mention I forgot my camera at home. Thinking about getting another game going for the 9th, so we shall see.
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July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs Empty
PostSubject: Re: July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs   July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs Empty

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July 2nd - Fraser River Corsairs
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