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 large type battery mod for m249 para

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large type battery mod for m249 para Empty
PostSubject: large type battery mod for m249 para   large type battery mod for m249 para EmptyFri 25 Jul 2008, 2:05 am

with the lack of space for a large type battery on my para i was left with minimal options. taped to the outside of the weapon works but is an outright sin as far as appearance goes, same for battery bags. so i decided to mod my box mag to fit the battery. my classic army shell had a damaged tab where it locks onto the weapon so i opted to use my A&K shell and swap the classic army internals.

*mod will not work on A&K box mags as there is not enough room*

first thing to do is remove your internals from the shell. you will see a fairly large tab that is easily removed with a pair of pliers. depending on your battery size this may or may not need to be removed.

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG0968
( you will notice my bladder switch conversion from a previous mod)

next,fit your battery into this void and make sure the assembly slides in smoothly and doesnt "bow out" the sides of the box mag or your ammo will fall into this area.

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG09691

upon reassembly this is what you should come up with.

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG09701

you will now need to notch the side of the box mag for routing of the wires.

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG09711

the box mag cover will need to be notched as well and you will need to remove some of the plastic "rails" on the cover to prevent "scissoring" of your wiring.

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG09721

i found that some of the ammo was allowed to fall into the lower section after the cutting so i filled in the cut areas with a small chunk of foam padding.

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG0973
large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG09741

next thing to do is make sure there is safe passage for the weapons wiring harness. you will need to do some more notching of the handguard to keep from slicing your wires.

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG0977

there you have it! you now have a large battery fitted into your box mag,,

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG09781

the exposed wiring is still a bit of an eyesore but i will be hiding the wires with some automotive wire loom and routing the bladder switch to the handguard. the finished mod is a far better alternative to battery bags or exterior mounting,and i now have a large 9.6 3600 mah battery fitted into my box mag!

** considering the heat generated from charging lrg batteries it is recommended to remove the battery before charging. **

well i hope this gives others some ideas for the battery woes,,,enjoy!

oh i almost forgot! i also did some custom cutting to my mag catch assembly and release button on my box mag,,check it out.

large type battery mod for m249 para CIMG0975

peace out,,,
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large type battery mod for m249 para Empty
PostSubject: Re: large type battery mod for m249 para   large type battery mod for m249 para EmptyFri 25 Jul 2008, 12:21 pm

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