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 Gear Anyone?

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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptyMon 28 Jul 2008, 1:44 pm

Well I recently applied for my business license and I'd like to know if anyone is interested in gear. This is not an order form it is just a way for me to see if the start up cost is worth bringing this stuff in. The stuff listed below isn't an 1/8 of what I'll be bringing in so you can always go look through my suppliers website and list what you might want and I will let you know what I could sell it for.

This is the small supplier to get me started while I await decision from the large supplier down at the coast.

Pics are from suppliers website! Once my Business Number comes I will place an order and take my pwn pics of the items.


CADPAT Poncho - $24
Gear Anyone? Cadpatponchoyy5

CADPAT Nylon Pistol Belt - $15
Gear Anyone? Cadpatpistolbeltuq4

CADPAT Cotton Belt - $10

Gear Anyone? Cadpatcottonbeltkg3

U.S. Sniper Camo Netting - $30
Gear Anyone? Ussnipercamonettinghd1

CADPAT Boonie Hat - $15 (Sizes XL and L available but M can be ordered)
Gear Anyone? Cadpatbooniekm4

CADPAT GI Cap - $10 (Sizes XL and L available but M and S can be ordered)
Gear Anyone? Cadpatcapsgw3

CADPAT Balaclava - $10
Gear Anyone? Cadpatbalaclavazm5

OD Kneepads - $20 (OD Elbow pads can also be ordered)
Gear Anyone? Odkneepadsoa1

CADPAT Assault Pack - $60
Gear Anyone? Cadpatassaultpackbv4

CADPAT 3 Day Pack - $50
Gear Anyone? Cadpat3datpackvb5

CADPAT Paratrooper Bag - $40
Gear Anyone? Cadpatparatrooperbagia9

CADPAT Kit Bag - $40
Gear Anyone? Cadpatkitbagzp8

CADPAT Mag Pouch - $15
Gear Anyone? Cadpatmagpouchio8

CADPAT Tac-Vest - $120 (close clone to issued vests at half the price)
Gear Anyone? Cadpattacvestew2
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Number of posts : 200
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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptyMon 28 Jul 2008, 4:24 pm

looks like someone likes CADPAT lol can you get some of the stuff in Marpat?
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

Number of posts : 562
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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptyMon 28 Jul 2008, 4:40 pm

at the moment I can only get what's on my suppliers website! Click the link http://www.army-surplus.ca/ and let me know what you might be interested in.

The reason I listed all CADPAT is because it's the hot seller right now it seems and there is allot of it. I'll bring in whatever is on my suppliers website if I get enough people asking for a certain item, otherwise I'll bring it in as a special order only.

I have to order a certain amount of stuff at a time so if you are truly serious about something let me know and I'll make it part of my first order for my store stock. I need to make this "certain amount of stuff" before I can make my first order once my business number comes in.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptyWed 30 Jul 2008, 1:36 am

This really doesnt make sense, 22 views and only a single person has comment....
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptyWed 30 Jul 2008, 2:05 pm

I've got all the cadpat I need...love to see what else you are planning to get in though
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Number of posts : 707
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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptyWed 30 Jul 2008, 2:40 pm

Same here, personally I find cadpat a bit too green for when I play the most games (spring, fall and winter). But if you can get flecktarn, multicam or DPM I'd be interested.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptyWed 30 Jul 2008, 4:24 pm

lol like Ive said before though, go to my suppliers website and tell me things that you might want. The only reason I posted cadpat was because that is what other people have been asking about.
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Number of posts : 1059
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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptySat 16 Aug 2008, 12:43 pm

looks interesting Drache. i'm out of town in Alberta so it'll be awhile b4 I am Home again.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

Number of posts : 562
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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? EmptySat 16 Aug 2008, 4:05 pm

Knightwarrier wrote:
looks interesting Drache. i'm out of town in Alberta so it'll be awhile b4 I am Home again.

Im currently in Cold Lake and headed to Edmonton tomorrow until Tuesday and then BACK to here!
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Gear Anyone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gear Anyone?   Gear Anyone? Empty

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