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 Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case

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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case Empty
PostSubject: Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case   Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case EmptyWed 06 Aug 2008, 11:16 pm

Well I've always wanted a gun case that was nicer looking than a standard black rifle case from Walmart or Canadian Tire. After much searching online I came across Mezzi Gun Cases!

MEZZI was founded in 1995 by David Mezzi. We pride ourselves on designing and producing exquisite and unique fashion and home accessories for men and women who understand the fulfilling power of the rewards life has to offer.

MEZZI products are designed in Italy and use only the best materials and new processes, bringing form and function together, with practicality in mind. We hope that you too, will come to appreciate MEZZI products, and reward yourself.

MEZZI is wholely owned and operated by PARNUS Global Trading Corporation. (PGTCorp) (PGTCorp) Head office and distribution warehouse is located in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (PGTCorp) is a privately held company.

Mezzi also makes briefcases, laptop cases, DVD lockable storage cases (for keeping your porn collection safe), etc. For gun cases, Mezzi makes the 53", the 44", and a smaller pistol case.

First Impression:
When I first picked up the cardboard box it was huge! For a sec I thought they had shipped me the 53" case instead, yet the box was pretty light! I tore at the cardboard box like a hungry wolf onto to find another cardboard box inside. Ok then so I tore at that box only to find ANOTHER cardboard box inside! At this time I thought the reason it was so light was because it's nothing but one box after another. Finally after tearing open the third box I spotted... BUBBLEWRAP!

After taking off the bubblewrap what met my eyes was a cloth bag with a pull string at one end. It was black and said Mezzi on one side. So I slipped the bag off and there before my eyes was my gun case shining in the sun.

The gun case appears solid yet trying to look at it in the sun was hurting my eyes so I took it inside. There are two draw-catch key locks with anti-pry tabs with locks and two 3 digit combination locks. The handle appears very sturdy and is padded on the inside so as to not hurt your hand while carrying the case. The handle is a nice width as well, can fit my hand comfortable with pressure on the sides of my hand sand, although it could use a little more clearence for my knucles. On each end of the case there are places to attach the shoulder strap which is found inside the case.

Upon opening the case, there are two gelpacks to keep moisture out (which I leave in there with my gun for storage), the shoulderstrap, 2 keys, and a piece of paper/manual with a bunch of different languages on how to set the combination locks. The foam seems to be a little on the thinner side but I'm not sure.

The outside of the case is weather resistant lined style aluminum and chromed handle and corners. Underneath the carrying handle is the word "Mezzi".

The dimensions of the case are 43.75" x 13" x 4.5" (measured by me)

The Bad:
Everything has at least one bad aspect and this case has a couple. First off the case does NOT appear strong enough to withstand someone stepping on the case. Like most guncases they are weak on the flat edges with nothing to keep them sturdy.

The next is the keys and locks on the latches. The latches are fine but the locks for them are skookum! The keys appear to be something from a little girls diary. The locks work and very well but personally I don't trust the small keys (too easy to lose) and the locks themselves. Hard to truly explain until you see the case up close.

Mezzi calls the case 44" but instead the case is actually about 43.75" long with and INSIDE length of only 43.5"... Still fit my SAM-R though with lots of room to spare!

Another bad thing I found is that the bag doesn't have a hole for the carrying handle! It would have been nice to be able to carry the case with the bag on it to further take away the guncase look.

Overall for the price 99% of aluminum cases are all the same. The cases can be found cheap enough if you look in the right locations. Most cases this size I've seen in local gun shops average $120 plus taxes. One of these can be had for about $75 after shipping depending on the place you puchase it from.

These cases are good if you are bringing airsoft equipment through an airpoft or somewhere else where you don't wish people to see you carring what easily looks like a guncase. With the intergrated locking systems it's easy to lock when around the house and you don't want someone getting into it such as a child (if you dont have a gun safe). On top of that you put the bag over the case and you can't even tell what it is.

If you are searching for a nice aluminum rifle case and want to save some coin a Mezzi is the way to go.
Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case 56
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the spork of death
the spork of death

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Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case   Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case EmptyThu 07 Aug 2008, 1:13 am

i got one just like it a wile ago and i love it! mines the double gun version though
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case   Mezzi 44" Aluminum Gun Case EmptyThu 07 Aug 2008, 10:45 am

the spork of death wrote:
i got one just like it a wile ago and i love it! mines the double gun version though

Ah yes I forgot about those! Do you know for some reason they aren't listed on the Mezzi website? Or at least I couldn't find them with the rest of the gun cases....
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