N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft
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N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft

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 Camping and Airsoft

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Number of posts : 358
Age : 59
Location : Greenwood, NOVA SCOTIA
Registration date : 2008-08-05

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Club Status: ---
Geo: 100 Mile House AND Nova Scotia
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Camping and Airsoft Empty
PostSubject: Camping and Airsoft   Camping and Airsoft EmptyMon 27 Oct 2008, 9:47 pm

Hey Folks!
Just had a campfire going in the back...still no snow here...its late....very nice.

Keep looking at the property. There is 10 acres of trails, trees and brush here....thinking a campout AS event would be nice...come in Friday night or sat morning...game saturday...play till ya can't see....then dinner around the fire.

Crash over night in pup tents or my 20' canvas aframe pavilion. Drive home in morning or squeeze one more game in ....depending on the shape we are in...

Think I need ta build a covered area so we could do in field repairs...in the field...something near the fire with electric light.

Me and mine now all smell like wood smoke. Just came in ta have some chow....man its nice ta have a few more days 'fore the snow comes.

So what do you folks think? Would you be interested in a campover in the summer...Airsoft during the day Saturday, and head back the next? Where ever? Not just necessarily here....but anywhere?

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