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 CA G36C Package & Gear

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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

Number of posts : 562
Age : 41
Location : Quesnel BC
Registration date : 2006-04-04

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CA G36C Package & Gear Empty
PostSubject: CA G36C Package & Gear   CA G36C Package & Gear EmptySat 22 Nov 2008, 11:58 pm

Emailing me will get the fastest response, PM'ing the second fastest.

I accept EMT or paypal +4% ONLY!


Classic Army G36C

  • Gamed about half a dozen times by the previous owner, never used by me
  • Stock internals
  • 4x Batteries
  • Smart Charger
  • 5x Kingarms Midcaps
  • G&P Knights Type Silencer USSOCOM (I think it will need an adapter)
  • 3x Speed Loader
  • Vertical Grip
  • 2x Deans Connector Adapters

One of the batteries is wired with Deans connectors and comes with an adapter. The other two batteries are small/mini connectors.

Also for $50 more I can throw in a CADPAT LBV which has only been gamed once! I also have tons of VN style M4 mags if you are planning on the M4 magwell adapter.


CADPAT Package
CADPAT Pack - Very large full sized pack
CADPAT LBV - Gamed once
CADPAT Cap - Velcro spots on the cap for patches

$120 + shipping obo


Boker Applegate-Fairbairn Combat Fighting Knife/Dagger

* 11" over, 6" blade
* 440C Stainless Steel
* Double Edged
* Heavy Black Cordura Sheath
* Heavy Duty Fibreglass reinforced Delrin Handle
* Unique Serial Number

Retails at Knifezone.ca on SALE for $178 CDN!

CA G36C Package & Gear Fighting

I can take pictures of the actual item for any interested parties!

$100 + shipping

Last edited by Drache on Tue 02 Dec 2008, 2:12 am; edited 2 times in total
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

Number of posts : 562
Age : 41
Location : Quesnel BC
Registration date : 2006-04-04

Player Info
Club Status: ---
Geo: The Cariboo!

CA G36C Package & Gear Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA G36C Package & Gear   CA G36C Package & Gear EmptyFri 28 Nov 2008, 8:56 pm

added another battery and another adapter to the G36 package!
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CA G36C Package & Gear
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