N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft
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N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft

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 Rules for Buy and Sell

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

Number of posts : 3838
Age : 41
Location : Intown
Registration date : 2005-10-26

Player Info
Club Status: Member
Geo: Local

Rules for Buy and Sell Empty
PostSubject: Rules for Buy and Sell   Rules for Buy and Sell EmptyMon 10 Apr 2006, 1:31 am

Hey Guys,
This is a new site and a new idea please forgive us as we learn and change things.

The Rules

1. Items for sale must be in Prince George, Chetwynd/Moberly Lake and done in person (NO CANADA POST- this is to insure that we all have good deals and that there we aren't selling guns minors.)
2. THIS SITE CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR POOR DEALINGS! If members repeatedly have bad transactions they will be banned from the site and local games. Same consequence for trying to sell guns through PM's to avoid angry mods Evil or Very Mad
3. If you are over 18 and would like to be able to sell guns nation or province wide go to www.airsoftcanada.com please PM for further information on the process of getting verified.
4. Items and guns must have been brought into the country legally. That means bought used or through proper dealerships. Your honesty here will be much appreciated.
5. Items for sale must be airsoft related. You cannot sell your soul, Ipod or used car here.
6. Please try to only bump your threads once a week. This includes price drops, please respect others who are trying to sell stuff. (this rule is veto'd if your posting pictures)
7. Titles should be specific:


TM m4, 3 low 1 bat or PASGT helmet size L
gun for sale or STUFF UBER CHEAP!!

Horton's Heroes
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