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 Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review

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Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review Empty
PostSubject: Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review   Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 3:47 am

SO I picked up one of these smokin bad boys from ehobby for approximately $30 per review device.

first off, I'll talk about the mask. Its an army of two style, totally wicked looking, but not so wicked as the skill mask. It feels super rock solid, made of a single piece of thick fiberglass lined with foam around the head/eyes/nose/back of head If fits very well, but should be adjusted to each user before being used. I had to trim the foam in my mask to make my nose fit, I'm pretty sure that would be standard for just about everyone. Its a little like ski mask foam around the eyes.
Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review 76903_498463710630_685635630_7799440_3528718_n
I'll post some better pics in a little bit

second up is a quick review of the little laser and light combo. Its a cheap little unit from ehobby, so my expectations here were pretty low. But I've been happily surprised by its better than expected quality. Its a simple solid little unit with two buttons in the pressure plate, I'm assuming one for the light and one for the laser.... I think, I haven't bought batteries for it yet, but I wasn't expecting there to be adjustments for the laser sight, though I knew there should be.

for airsoft its perfect, since precision isn't perfect with little white bb's and its easy to slide on and off any weapon you need it on. One note about this is I did have to shrink the shrink tube around the button more for my preference since it was rather bulgy, not really a big deal, just a couple seconds of heat and its all fixed, not I can feel the two separate buttons too.

also, when on a pistol, it fits extremely well, with the activation button directly infront of my trigger finger, so a quick flick will activate whatever I have selected (theres a selector for light/laser/both but the push button is nice for momentary activation, such as blinding enemy players in confined dark spaces, or shooting from the hip for some fun rambo action
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review   Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 12:41 pm

do you lose any peripheral vision with the mask?
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Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review   Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 2:22 pm

the vision with the mask is very similar to that of the mesh goggles, so I'd say not noticeably

actually I'm going to rephrase that. I loose about 10 to 15 degrees of peripheral, in really tight quarters it could make a difference
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review   Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 6:30 pm

can you get your head into your AK sight still? I know with paintball masks I can't get my eye down the sight because the mask bulges out from the face.
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Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review   Army of Two Mask + laser light combo review EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 8:17 pm

the AK iron sights are fine, but just barely. The iron sights on my SIG are out of reach due to the large area around the mouth of the mask. with this mask I need to stick with hi mount optics
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