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 Camera Flashbang - How To

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Mortified Penguin
Mortified Penguin

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Camera Flashbang - How To Empty
PostSubject: Camera Flashbang - How To   Camera Flashbang - How To EmptyThu 27 Jan 2011, 3:46 am

For those interested in making more camera flashbangs, here's how I did it.

What you'll need:
-used disposable camera
-a sharp knife

To get the cameras I used I went to the photo lab at London Drugs and asked for any used disposable cameras they could spare. The rectangular Fujifilm cameras seem to work well.

Camera Flashbang - How To Resize?sq=500&uid=1102438710

First, rip all the paper off. There are seven clips in total on each end, the bottom and top of the camera, they need to by pried open with your sharp knife. Don't worry about breaking the clips, they're unnecessary. The camera should open with a little tug, beware of the capacitor (cylinder behind the flash bulb) as it could still be holding a powerful charge! Open, the camera should look like this:

Camera Flashbang - How To P1000576z

With your knife push together the two copper contacts above the lens (there may be a flash). Get them as close as possible to each other without them touching when you release the pressure.

Camera Flashbang - How To P1000582v

After you're satisfied with the contacts position, reassemble the camera and make sure it has a good battery. Wrap tape around it making sure not to cover the flash, charging button or the back of the viewfinder. That way, when you charge it with the button you'll see the orange light in the viewfinder to indicate a full charge. Throw and enjoy.

Camera Flashbang - How To Flashbang
Well, not quite like that Razz
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Camera Flashbang - How To Empty
PostSubject: Re: Camera Flashbang - How To   Camera Flashbang - How To EmptyFri 28 Jan 2011, 2:29 pm

thanks for this.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Camera Flashbang - How To Empty
PostSubject: Re: Camera Flashbang - How To   Camera Flashbang - How To EmptyFri 04 Feb 2011, 8:10 pm

Please no one go and get more. I went to london drugs and asked for 10...I got about 60...I will never use that many. Ask and you can have a few for sure.

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Camera Flashbang - How To Empty
PostSubject: Re: Camera Flashbang - How To   Camera Flashbang - How To EmptyFri 11 Feb 2011, 8:23 pm

man ive been doing this since i was 10
also when i was 13 i figured out how to turn it into a tazer though you only get one seriously painfull jolt. but in the intrestes of everybodys safety I WILL NOT disclose this to anyone. as we found out 5 years ago depending on the model of disposable you can cause a persons legs to give out....nuff said
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Camera Flashbang - How To Empty
PostSubject: Re: Camera Flashbang - How To   Camera Flashbang - How To EmptySat 12 Feb 2011, 4:37 am

After the no lights game a few things I noticed.

-Taping two back to back garunteed that at least one would go off and made them super reliable.
-they seem to hit hard enough that we don't need to play with the connections but moving them all the way together also worked to make them more sensitive.
-low light or no light is really the only useful time to use them, even a little bit of light and their effectiveness was not so hot.

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Camera Flashbang - How To Empty
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