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 Piston/Cylinder lube.

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Piston/Cylinder lube. Empty
PostSubject: Piston/Cylinder lube.   Piston/Cylinder lube. EmptyMon 04 Apr 2011, 2:08 am

Ok I don't know about you guys but I am tired of buying little tiny tubes of cylinder lube for huge prices. I did a whack of reading on ASC and this is the best option I can find. I searched Super Lube and found that FASTENAL should carry it but they have no idea what I am talking about when I called them. I found this on airsoftcanada

Originally Posted by pawscal
After not being able to find superlube anywhere in barrie I gave up. For those of you who do not know what the hell superlube is, its a syntetic based lube that contains PTFE and is probalby the best AEG gearbox gear and piston/cylinder head lube available. You can use it everywhere in a gearbox and wont turn grungy looking like lithuim grease.

Anyways the stuff is pretty hard to find but today I was wandering trough the parts department of my dads GM dealer when I spot this tube of AC delco syntetic lube, it looked exactly like the 3 oz tubes superlube comes in. I tore off the packageing to find super lube written under it.

So if your looking for the stuff go to your local GM dealer and ask for part #10953437

Retails for 13$ a tube, one tube should last you a pretty long time too

HORAY! I got two tubes for $26 with tax in. Each tube is around 20 times bigger than what I have been buying for the same price...best thing...NO SHIPPING! Anyway. Give the GMC dealer a call and they are happy to get it in if you give them the product number.

EDIT-I just checked and my little tubes have 2.2 grams in them in these big super lube tubes have 80 grams. Almost the same price.

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Piston/Cylinder lube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Piston/Cylinder lube.   Piston/Cylinder lube. EmptyMon 04 Apr 2011, 6:12 am

Awesome, i could do away with those damned tiny containers of grease.
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Piston/Cylinder lube.
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