N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft
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 Jan 12th Game (last game for Me?)

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Number of posts : 358
Age : 59
Location : Greenwood, NOVA SCOTIA
Registration date : 2008-08-05

Player Info
Club Status: ---
Geo: 100 Mile House AND Nova Scotia
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Jan 12th Game (last game for Me?) Empty
PostSubject: Jan 12th Game (last game for Me?)   Jan 12th Game (last game for Me?) EmptyMon 02 Jan 2012, 7:37 pm

The guys are getting together this Saturday at my field. Snow is very minimal and tunnel tower features are fully functional. CQB area has been increased dramatically and this would be the first use of the added wall sections.

I will be returning to Ottawa for more training for at least another 20 weeks so this will be my last Airsoft game here for a while.

mike@airsoftbc.com or home number of 250-397-2369.

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Jan 12th Game (last game for Me?)
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