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 alberta airsoft

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Number of posts : 90
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Registration date : 2009-07-10

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alberta airsoft Empty
PostSubject: alberta airsoft   alberta airsoft EmptyTue 10 Jan 2012, 7:28 pm

So, over the holidays, Jordan and I went to AA in edmonton to "browse" not knowing what we were getting into. When you walk in, you are immediatly faced with a wall of goodies. More than 30 different types of airsoft guns are neatly arranged on the wall, organized by company and type, all calling out the airsoft enthusits name. One of the best moments of the trip was watching Jordan's jaw hit the floor as we walked in and he saw the "wall." Once the initial shock wore off, we were helped out by three service people, all eager to put guns into our hands. All the guns can be handled, fondled, whatever you want to describe it. We went through about 10 guns or so, each of us picking a favorite. The staff seemed to be knowledgeable with all of our questions and very low pressure sales. I assume they know that people that are there are there for a reason. Eventually, Jordan got over his shock and we each walked away with a new ICS m4 variant. All was not perfect however. The ICS has a split mech box which they showed us how to access. I very neat feature if I say so myself. This allows for a super fast spring swap as the guns come shooting extremely hot. During our purchases, we asked to have the springs swapped so they would be ready for the games upon our return to PG. On this, we were told a flat out no. Alittle shocked, we asked why and they said they had to wait 24 hours to switch a spring as the guns couldn't leave shooting under 430fps. Knowing that we were from out of province and we didn't have another day, i was alittle taken back, however, so be it, we took the guns and swapped springs ourself. Still, our overall experience was awesome and I have no trouble recommending them to others and would buy there again. So....

Pricing........9/10. We hit the store during the boxing week sale and prices were very close to evike prices once you take into consideration shipping and spring upgrades that are necessary to purchase from evike. As well, NO CUSTOMS to deal with.
Knowledge and Helpfulness.......8/10. Score took a slight hit because of the flat out no to helping us with the spring. I understand rules are rules, but every rule can be broken Smile
Awe of the store......9/10. Jordans jaw hitting the ground should say it all.
Overall Experience....9/10. We are happy with our guns and have found a new favorite to shop at...need I say more?
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Number of posts : 707
Age : 51
Location : Moberly Lake
Registration date : 2005-11-25

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Geo: Moberly Lake

alberta airsoft Empty
PostSubject: Re: alberta airsoft   alberta airsoft EmptyWed 11 Jan 2012, 5:30 pm

Not to nitpick, pretty decent review, but I'd say they were being pretty responsible regarding the spring swap. The only way they can get some of these guns in country is by ensuring they shoot over 430fps. If you'd been a customs officer undercover checking up on them and they'd agreed to put in a lower fps spring for you they likely could get into some serious trouble the next time they try importing. It's only been a couple years since places were getting shut down and store owners were getting charged for breaching the terms of their import permits so I can't blame them for being extremely careful when it comes to the firearms importation regulations.
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Number of posts : 383
Age : 29
Location : prince george
Registration date : 2009-05-22

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Geo: PG
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alberta airsoft Empty
PostSubject: Re: alberta airsoft   alberta airsoft EmptyWed 11 Jan 2012, 7:30 pm

^What I said. also its an ICS why would you want to have paid them for an hour to do a 3 minute job
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alberta airsoft Empty
PostSubject: Re: alberta airsoft   alberta airsoft Empty

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