N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft
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N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft

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 hello there!

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Number of posts : 9
Age : 46
Location : grande prairie
Registration date : 2012-02-18

Player Info
Club Status: ---
Geo: grande prairie
Tags: ---

hello there! Empty
PostSubject: hello there!   hello there! EmptySat 18 Feb 2012, 1:35 am

hello, names jesse, from grande prairie, used to play airsoft back in 03 for a few years, had a great time, took a little hiatus and just starting to shake the rust off, figured i would stop by and say hello, looks like a couple of us will be heading over to fallen leaves in a little over a month, so hopefully meet some of ya on the battlefield.

jesse, aka, archer 6 / jester / whipperwheel
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