N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft
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 age requirements

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2 posters

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2013-01-16

age requirements Empty
PostSubject: age requirements   age requirements EmptyWed 16 Jan 2013, 11:50 pm

My name is Kevin, im new to the site and ive only been into airsoft or about a year. i currently do not own any airsot guns but when i get into the sport i would be looking to buy. I'm 13 and I was wondering how old you have to be to join a game.
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Phat Chocobo
Phat Chocobo

Number of posts : 171
Age : 43
Location : Prince George, BC
Registration date : 2009-04-27

Player Info
Club Status: ---
Geo: Prince George, BC
Tags: ---

age requirements Empty
PostSubject: Re: age requirements   age requirements EmptyFri 18 Jan 2013, 10:17 pm

Hey there Kevin, welcome to the site. We generally prefer 18 and up unless accompanied by and adult. Feel free to ask any questions though!
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