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 Locations Private

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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

Player Info
Club Status: Member
Geo: Too far away...

Locations Private Empty
PostSubject: Locations Private   Locations Private EmptyThu 15 Jun 2006, 1:36 am

Locations Private

Locations Private Locationcopy3ti

(Directions to GM_Gunner's, 9875 Prodahl Rd)
Go up Foothills till you hit chief lake road, and take a left. Drive all the way down chief lake road till you come to the golf course, there is a sign that says Ness Lake Bible Camp, take a right here. If you drive past IFS you have gone too far. Then you'll drive through a dip in the road, and then after the dip you come to a straight stretch, turn left on the first road after the straight stretch, Schiffo, then go around the corner, the address is 9875, the house on the hill. (OR) Drive past the golf course, follow the road, it'll turn left, drive down the hill, drive past another Ness Lake Bible Camp sign, keep along the road, then turn left at the next street, Prodahl Rd. I believe... GM's will be on the right side, on the Hill.

(Directions to Buzzz's, 19500 Ness Lake Rd)
Go up Foothills till you hit chief lake road, and take a left. Drive all the way down chief lake road till you get to 19500 Ness Lake Rd, it'll be on your left, if you go past the NLBC(Ness Lake Bible Camp) sign you've gone too far.

Buster Saw Mill

travel down cheif lake road which turns into ness lake road as if you are traveling to GM-gunners. Follow the signs to Ness Lake Bible Camp and Elkness. Stay to the right for all the turns when you hit the gravel road and you will eventually drive past a field on your right, lakes on either side and end up at a gravel pit. This is Busters Saw Mill Area.

Locations Private Locationcopy3ti3zb

Spork Land
Locations Private Cranbrookhillareas4zq.th
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