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Number of posts : 191
Age : 34
Location : PG
Registration date : 2006-06-15

Player Info
Club Status: ---
Geo: hubert rd. PG

Jackboot Empty
PostSubject: Jackboot   Jackboot EmptyThu 15 Jun 2006, 11:46 am

Edit:Just thought I'd update this a bit...

My name's Chris, and I live in the PG area.

Some of the things I have:

Gear: Woodland pants, Boonie, ESS NVG goggles, kevlar balaclava, FSBE
Primary Weapon: WGC custom m4a1- 380 fps

Stuff I want:

Gear: Boots, BH CQC holster, Better camo and/or an OD flightsuit, Thicker nomex hood, OD MICH helmet, BH SOLAG gloves
Secondary weapon: TM 1911 GBB w/ metal kit


Jackboot Dscf0516me8.th

Jackboot Dscf0518fr2.th

Last edited by on Thu 14 Sep 2006, 9:42 am; edited 2 times in total
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