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 Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)

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Hortons Heros
9 posters

What should the writing on the patch say? (can select more than one)
Northern Interior Airsoft Club, virtue non sanguine
Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_lcap0%Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Northern Interior Airsoft, virtue non sanguine
Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_lcap18%Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_rcap
 18% [ 2 ]
Northern Interior Airsoft Club, glacies proeliator
Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_lcap9%Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_rcap
 9% [ 1 ]
Northern Interior Airsoft, glacies proeliator
Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_lcap55%Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_rcap
 55% [ 6 ]
Doug's Amazing Chicken Warriors, poulet amore
Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_lcap18%Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Vote_rcap
 18% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 11
Poll closed


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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 11:02 am

Alright, the club is putting in a group order for a club badge/patch. The patch will look as follows:

(Do we have a finalized image that is appropirate?)

If we do this locally:
Cost to get the logo "digitized" for embroidery is a one time fee of approx $125.00 plus tax. The size of of the patch is approx 3 inches wide.

After the logo is "digitized" we could then make the crests. Cost on this is $8.25 each and this includes them to be marrowed around the edges. Taxes are extra.

You can also get you name embroidered on the patch for an additional cost.

Or is we do out of town:
FREE: Artwork and Design
FREE: Unlimited Revisions
FREE: Set Up
FREE: 14 Day Delivery Guaranteed
FREE: Up to 7 thread colors Included

BUT, we have to order a minimum of 50. Prices at an order of 100 are $1.71 for 75% embroidered surface at 3 inches.

There is also:
but they assess per order and give you a quote.

This means that is we order out-of-town, patches will cost us, in an order of 50, roughly $2.50-$3.00 each, thus say, $150 Canadian. But we will be stuck with 50 of the darn things.
Or we order locally, pay the one time digitization cost of $125 and order each patch we want at an additional $8.25, both prices pre-tax. But, we will be able to order them on an individual basis.

So, what are peoples opinion here?


Last edited by on Fri 06 Oct 2006, 3:32 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 11:46 am

I think we should just order the 50. I don't see any advantage to having my name on the team patch. I'd prefer having a seperate embroidered name patch such as the real military uses.

I think we'll find that if they're only going to cost $3.00, we'll have no problem selling 50 of them.

I'll take at least 2 patches, one for me and one for the wife. But if they're only going to be $2.50 to $3.00 each, I'll take 10 of them. I'll start a Moberly Lake branch of PG airsoft! Smile
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 6:43 pm

Thanks for doing those quotes Doug. This is the image that we liked the most. EDIT-Northern Interior Airsoft Club instead of CMM and a brown moose would be nice.Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Untitled2ea2I would be up for 5 badges I think. One for each set of gear that I have.
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 7:11 pm

Have we decided on a final name? I find Militia to be a very negative word, especially with current legal/political issues. I think a name should have Airsoft in it. Or something non-violence oriented, ie, get ready for it, yep, Prince George Airsoft. Or something that if we are in the public with the patch on, it will not cause undue attention. What was the list of names we had so far?

Latin is very cool though, Smith had some good ones. I personally like: glacies proeliator, which translates to Ice Warrior (we seem to play too much in the winter). Or accerso glacialis nex, to bring icy violent death.

Dunno, just some suggestions that aren't religiously, military, or politically linked.

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Number of posts : 817
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 7:21 pm

Hey Daes, Horton had it in his post
Quote :
EDIT-Northern Interior Airsoft Club instead of CMM and a brown moose would be nice
I'd probably be into getting maybe 2 or 3. Daes do you want me to send you over the photoshop files?
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 7:40 pm

Ok, good stuff Beach. It would be great if the file was in vector instead of raster. I can do it up or you can Beach, your choice. It would just be nice to have flawless scaling and color-swap.

Also, since I sat out on so much of this thread, does the current latin mean "victory with no blood", cause that is truely what Airsoft is.

So, our patches will have "Northern Interior Airsoft Club" and "virtue non sanguine". Is the "club" nessessary to have in the patch? I can't help notice that NIAC is for the National Infertility Awareness Campaign, National Iranian American Council, or Nonprofits' Insurance Alliance of California. For NIA we have National Institute of Aging, National Institute of Accountants, National Insulation Association, National Institute of Aerospace, or Nuclear Industry Association, etc. etc. etc. Soo, which sounds better, ne' ack, or ne' ahh?

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http://<br><img src=https://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f
Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 7:51 pm

I'm loving the ice warriors latin...Club isn't needed at all, it's just a carry over from prince george airsoft club
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 8:37 pm

I'd be in to about 5+...I personally like Northern Interior Airsoft, and then put the latin ice warriors on the bottom.
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Number of posts : 707
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 9:04 pm

The Latin for Ice Warriors sounds good.
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 9:39 pm

I sad thing is, I can't even pronounce the Ice Warrior thing.

glacies proeliator = Glay cee's Pro ee' lie ate or ?

Am I even close? Sounds like a delivery business Razz

I have added a poll to this, lets have people choice.

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PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 9:59 pm

I'll take a couple too
I really like the Ice cube warrior thing
NIAC is cool too ! Gnac gnac !!
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyTue 03 Oct 2006, 11:26 pm

gnac sounds like a cat passing a hair ball. It sounds closer to your name Ni ac (Nick), say it really fast and it works. I'm sold on the NIA icewarriors.
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyWed 04 Oct 2006, 9:13 am

If you do the order of 50 I'm in for 2. I like the NIA and Ice warrior.
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyWed 04 Oct 2006, 11:11 pm

Hey guys. I ordered our team patches from ebik and I'm impressed with the quality & service. They'll email you a proof of the art work for your approval, adjust what ever you need, and make from 25 up. We got 100 patches (and we only have 15 paying members) and we have 67 left. We ended up paying less than $300 for 100 patches, more like $260, shipped to my door.

Also, Skunkworx had their patches made at camotech in texas. They seem happy with their work as well:

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Number of posts : 111
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Location : Ness Lake, Prince George, B.C.
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyThu 05 Oct 2006, 1:06 am

I can't believe how many votes Doug's chicken name is getting...thanks for the info Darklen...that does sound like a good idea...pretty cheap too. How much are the places that you have found Doug?
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Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked)   Order your Club Badge/Patch (Temp Locked) EmptyThu 05 Oct 2006, 12:36 pm

I'm for the wintery reference as well. And 'club', yeah leave it out. Sounds kind of bubble-gum.
I'd get three.
Are there copy-right issues with the moose and layout?
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