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 Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS)

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) Empty
PostSubject: Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS)   Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) EmptyThu 30 Nov 2006, 12:26 pm

Recieved it used but still in amazing shape.

Frontenac Jacket, knockoff SAAV. Difference in colour.
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) DSCF0808

Waist adjustment strap on waist
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) DSCF0843

Inside of Jacket
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) DSCF0844

Buttons and Pockets on Jacket
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) DSCF0846

Close-up of Frontenac Pattern. Notice lines in the dark green, just like the real cadpat
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) DSCF0853

Parklands Hat pattern
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) DSCF0854

Close-up of SAAV patern
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) DSCF0834

Weight-the most light weight matterial I've used, dries fast, breathes nicely. My only thought is that they might be cold in the winter but who wears green temperate camo in the winter?

PatternThe digital (although extremely ugly) does an amazing job of breaking up your outline and blending in. It has a really random design so it's hard to spot in the right climate. Interms of replicating the real Capdpat it does very well. frontenac has a license to produce something very close to the real deal. When compared to an older gen at the army surplus they were identical. The darkest green even has the little wavy lines through it like the real stuff. Very impressive.

Pockets/Funtionhas draw strings in the right places (above belly button, bottom of jacket-cuff on pant legs) the waist has the usual tightening strap that most BDU pants have. Pockets are all verticle with 1 or 2 buttons. Button down shirt and zipper pants with button. Nothing really special when compared to the new ACU uniforms pockets and manderin collar BDUs but it works fine. I believe this stuff is 50/cotton 50/nylon but I could be wrong. I know to stay awat from anything that is 70/30 though

FadingI will have to fill this in later but it seems like as long as I'm not a dork and wash it in boiling hot water the fading show be minimal. digital does seem to fade allot faster than regular woodland or flecktarn and this may have to do something with how thin the fabric is. Different gens fade to different colours but it looks like this stuff should fade to green and not white

PriceFor a good set of digital it's in the mid range. If you are a smart shopper you can find it for $60 shirt and $60 pants. $120 for a full set of quality camo isn't bad at all.

Accesoriesit's illegal to own real cadpat stuff that hasn't been sold by a licensed dealer and those are hard to find so it's off to find more aftermarket stuff. You can get cadpat SAAVs for around $50-75 used to new, M4 vests are around the same, armour is really hard to find, hats are mostly parklands brands (cheaper, faded faster and to white), there are PASGT covers out there but mostly it's issues Canadian helmets with issue covers. These other cheapers patterns of Cadpat stick out a bit as different. I'll see if I can find some pics of frontenac compared to the CF stuff.

OVER ALL-8/10-simple design, good price, light wieght but fades faster than other camos.

Places to get it
http://sealsactiongear.com -helmet covers, BDU's, Load bearing gear
http://www.davesarmysurplus.com/ -elmet covers, BDU's, Load bearing gear
http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=12641 -helmet covers, BDU's, Load bearing gear BEST PRICES, has to ship though

Thread comparing parklands, frontenac, and CF cadpat and answers allot of questions

knock off m4 vest
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) Cadpat%20m4
Cadpat SAAV
Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) Cadpat%20Vest2


Last edited by on Sat 02 Dec 2006, 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS)   Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) EmptySat 02 Dec 2006, 4:13 pm

GIANT pics added
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Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS)   Frontenac Cadpat (BIG PICS) EmptyMon 04 Dec 2006, 10:08 pm

Wow, that is a nice look. I still prefer you in flecktarn but eh, it is good to be Canadian.

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