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 Beach_Boy's Wish List

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Number of posts : 817
Age : 38
Location : Prince George
Registration date : 2005-10-26

Player Info
Club Status: Member
Geo: Caronport, SK [Temporary]

Beach_Boy's Wish List Empty
PostSubject: Beach_Boy's Wish List   Beach_Boy's Wish List EmptyTue 26 Dec 2006, 1:09 am

Well since everyone and their dog seems to have a wish list I better put one of my own up as well.


- CA M249
Beach_Boy's Wish List M249
- TM M14 or TM M14 SOCOM
Beach_Boy's Wish List Riflemediumuj9
- TM Lows to match
Beach_Boy's Wish List Lc-01
- More Lows for M4
Beach_Boy's Wish List M1668
- Eotech Holosite
Beach_Boy's Wish List 552a65


- OD right handed dropleg pistol holster
- OD pistol belt... or one of those 2 inch belts
- OD or Woodland Knee pads

That's about it for now...
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