Even newer! As of Jan 2 2011 our discussion is pending on what is a member of the NIA. Read the following as a part of what was and know that the ideas are being discussed as to what is...
This is new as of Feb 22 2007. We have created a critera for becoming a member of the Northern Interior Airsoft. Some of the reasons are to encourage players into getting proper gear and guns, being able to recognize veteran players and newer players and a sense of belonging and ownership. This system will also allow us to run members only games where full gear and good weapons are a requirement.
This system is not set-up to be elitist or exclusive in keeping new players out but rather to help new players see the needed requirments to really get into the sport and to have something to strive towards.
-5 club games and an OK from senior club
members as safe and trustworthy (member status given after gear and gun requirements met, games without gear and guns count towards your 5)
-Quality and reliable main weapon (assualt, sniper, submachine etc)
-matching issue or close replica gear set (pants, jacket and hat)
-$5 fee for 1 badge, extra badges are $5 each after that
![How do I join the NIA? DSCF1346](https://2img.net/h/i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/PGairsoft/Club%20Misc/DSCF1346.jpg)