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 G&G GR300L

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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyThu 01 Mar 2007, 1:41 pm

Kind of a bizzare armalite, fits in with my collection of weird guns I guess. Nice design, looks relatively comfortable to hold, sans the M203.

G&G GR300L Gggr300twfp2

G&G GR300L DSCN1667
G&G GR300L DSCN1682
G&G GR300L DSCN1680
G&G GR300L DSCN1672

G&G GR300L 4124-600x600
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyThu 01 Mar 2007, 4:18 pm

Is this real steel based? I can't seem to find any info on the real thing.

definatly like the look of the sights and the huge rail on the top. Does the front sight flip down? I would rather have that stock system then the telescoping stock any day. Thanks for the post Doug, what else have you found?
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyThu 01 Mar 2007, 4:43 pm

I assume GR stands for SR or AR in real steel, the l stands for long, but the 300 don't mean jack. So yeah, I am at a loss...

I will keep posting weird things as I come across them, don't want to flood too much. I like different looking weapons, it is hard to stand out in Airsoft sometimes when everyone is using the same kind of rifle. Heck, using stock body guns is almost unique now. I am seeing fewer and fewer M16's that stay M16's... (kudo's to DB19 for keeping the body and furniture stock).

Mind you, crazy mods like those choppers, or something with completely unique furniture like this, make me pay attention now.

Does anyone else have opinions on over-modifying or too many of the same looking guns?

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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyThu 01 Mar 2007, 6:43 pm

Finally, a gun me and Daes can agree on. Razz

It's based on the ZM weapons LR300. ZM also makes a grenade launcher specifically for it, too.
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyThu 01 Mar 2007, 7:02 pm

Bang on the dot Jack, LR300 it is. So what does LR stand for? I have heard of SR and AR but not LR.

Found a pic with the custom M203 and sweeter stock, looks even more spacey! Sweet!!!

G&G GR300L Sweplr300vmodel6ph

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyMon 05 Mar 2007, 1:25 pm

is that stock a swing and slide stock?
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyMon 05 Mar 2007, 1:45 pm

both, I will find the link to it somewhere...
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyTue 06 Mar 2007, 12:16 am

G&G GR300L LR-300-STK-L

This isn't exactly it, but close. I will keep looking around for an exact one.

Edit: On closer examination, yeah, this is it. Airsoft goodness to from Redwolf.

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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyWed 07 Mar 2007, 12:26 am

You can make any look to a real AR that you want.

In the real gun world, AR usually denotes a .223 Remington (5.56 NATO) wheras an SR denotes .308 (7.62 NATO) gun

All the accessories you can ever hope to find for an airsoft AR are based on a real steel version. Some real parts will fit on some airsof guns in certail positions. Usually, stocks for a real AR will not fit on airsoft guns without extensive modifications, with a few exceptions.

I could build a real AR to look like the GR300 series, it's just a matter of getting the parts. My real AR has an ARMS SIR, ARMS #40 BUIS, 16" heavy barrel and EoTech (on the way). If I mix it in with the airsoft guns, it would take a minute for most guys to spot the real one.
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyWed 07 Mar 2007, 1:10 am

MacGuyver, so what does LR stand for though? This is real steel so I assume that LR must mean something.

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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyWed 07 Mar 2007, 8:35 pm

AR and SR are the original model prefixes for guns either manufactured by or under license from the Armalite Corp.. They were the patent holders of the original Stoner designs.

LR could be the prefix for another manufacturer. GR doesn't exist in real steel that I've ever seen. You would never see them in Canada likely, as folding stocks and ARs don't mix well in the real world, and there are issues of OAL for prohibition of firearms as well.
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyWed 07 Mar 2007, 8:59 pm

Well, looked around the ZM site some more, they still do not define what LR stands for but they do have some stuff that clears up some of the original question:
G&G GR300L Sliderol5
Yeah, they official sell this. $340.00 usd for the real deal. I think I will stick with the airsoft version...

They call the fore-grip the Nylatron Forearm. Sounds kinda sci-fi, but considering they are selling real steel here, they can call it what ever they want Razz Gun also seems to be popular in CS.


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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyThu 10 May 2007, 10:59 pm

I watched a movie called heat the other day and al pachino uses this gun in it when he's chasing deniro down.
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyThu 10 May 2007, 11:42 pm

Actually he uses an FN FNC. Razz

G&G GR300L Big-20040320-324615
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyFri 11 May 2007, 12:19 am

Oh, my bad.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyFri 11 May 2007, 12:57 am

I have been trying to figure out what gun that was for years!

Jackboot you are getting up there in my "Gun Geak" top 10 list
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L EmptyFri 11 May 2007, 1:08 am

Haha, why thank you... Google does help a lot though. Laughing
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G&G GR300L Empty
PostSubject: Re: G&G GR300L   G&G GR300L Empty

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G&G GR300L
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