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 Rail Armor & CQB Mod

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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
PostSubject: Rail Armor & CQB Mod   Rail Armor & CQB Mod EmptyMon 16 Jul 2007, 10:22 am

Since I have another rain day and some working internet I will try to get the mod ball rolling again around here.

I had to splurg a bit this summer to finalize my guns for the fall. One of the items that I picked up was Rail Armor. I have been trying to get some for quite some time (after seeing some on the other modding sites) but could never get any instock. Low and behold Airsoftparts.ca had some! Bought the remaining 3 sets of 4 pieces each and should have enough to complete my M16 length RAS with some to spare!

Rail Armor & CQB Mod Rail-armour-set
Rail Armor & CQB Mod First%20rail%20armor

I will post some pictures within the next week when I get a chance to get near my gun and put them on.

Still, a very aggressive looking rail cover that is very easy to put to any length you want. Another star for Airsoftparts.ca!

I also decided to finally finish off that CQB Armilite I was working on. Instead of going as a complete Patriot, I decided that I would try to keep it stilll functional for any CQB situation so I can rail the heck out of it Smile
Rail Armor & CQB Mod Mb-talon-rail-full_001
(not my photo! Mine has a full stock for battery, will post when I get back into PG)

I also have some mod work involving HPA but I am having a hard time getting detailed info on how to get a Scuba Tank for refills, any info would help!

So hopefully this will get the ball rolling and people will post some ideas, pictures or wish lists of stuff that they want.

Have fun!

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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rail Armor & CQB Mod   Rail Armor & CQB Mod EmptyFri 20 Jul 2007, 8:51 pm

can't wait to see that !!
I'm not convince by an ACOG on a so short barrel ! C-more will be my choice.

I love your rails cover !!
Quote :
with some to spare!
MINE !!!
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Number of posts : 1310
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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rail Armor & CQB Mod   Rail Armor & CQB Mod EmptyMon 23 Jul 2007, 11:36 pm

Rail Armor & CQB Mod Railar10

Sorry 'bout the quick photo, as always never enough time on these breaks.

You get the idea, rail armor is adjustable to any length! Hella nice!

The CQB GemTech rail system is super solid, very very solid! I really like the strength of it.

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Number of posts : 817
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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rail Armor & CQB Mod   Rail Armor & CQB Mod EmptyTue 24 Jul 2007, 6:11 pm

Nice, that's sweet Doug. Too bad you aren't going to around for the milsim, I would love to see them in person.
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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rail Armor & CQB Mod   Rail Armor & CQB Mod EmptyMon 30 Jul 2007, 9:16 am

beach_boy wrote:
Nice, that's sweet Doug. Too bad you aren't going to around for the milsim, I would love to see them in person.

Are you around this fall? I will be back through PG around the 16th or so, but, the guns are now safely stored in Terrace.

I would love to have a mod/build day at some point this Fall if people are interested. Though I do not recommend building guns out of spare parts, it is always nice to have a modded gun to reflect you (space guns for me). Also, it would be nice to get some more cannon/mortar's made and get some artillery going. I have tons of spare parts and junk to build stuff and Princess Auto can always fill the gaps Smile

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Number of posts : 817
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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rail Armor & CQB Mod   Rail Armor & CQB Mod EmptyMon 30 Jul 2007, 6:31 pm

The 16th of what? I'm leaving Sept 3rd for school... that's about it.

You gotta come see my CQBR!
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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rail Armor & CQB Mod   Rail Armor & CQB Mod EmptyTue 31 Jul 2007, 8:19 pm

beach_boy wrote:
The 16th of what? I'm leaving Sept 3rd for school... that's about it.

You gotta come see my CQBR!

Roar! We'll have a CQB showdown! Shame we do not have much for CQB around PG...

I am in through the August 16th area and what not.


Bbtw, is your CQBR: https://pgairsoft.forumotion.com/Quatermaster-c3/Airsoft-Guns-f29/ICS-M4-CQBR-t560.htm

so very sexy!

in that case, it would be nice to put them side by side Smile (I think that mine is a little smaller... What? Doug with a small gun?! Ha ha ha)
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Number of posts : 817
Age : 38
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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rail Armor & CQB Mod   Rail Armor & CQB Mod EmptyTue 31 Jul 2007, 9:15 pm

Yah that's the one. I bought it back haha! Why did I ever sell it? Anyways give me a ring when your back.
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Rail Armor & CQB Mod Empty
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