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 CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!

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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyTue 02 Oct 2007, 11:33 pm

Pictures will be coming as soon as I have a moment to get it back from a teammates gun cabinet lol.

Purchased 4 weeks ago from these forums in part of a trade. Love the fact that it took armalite mags but I hate the buttstock on the thing. It's heavy like all CA's are with metal parts and it slings BB's like nobody's business with a very high ROF.

The gun was custom painted by the last owner which I'll include one of the photos he had sent to me, hopefully he doesnt mind lol. The gun hasn't changed since I received it. The last owner only took the gun out to three games and I only took it out for a field test.

~Custom Paint
~TM Gears
~TM EG1000 motor
~Polycarb piston

Gun comes with one CA Hicap painted to match the SCAR. Also comes with a TM Hicap and Locap which could use some paint and 10x 30 round plastic mags that say H&K on them.

The gun also comes with a battery, (8.4v 1400mAH) if I remember correctly, and a double rifle hard case.

BUYER FLAKED! $500 Shipped in BC!


CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Scarkyleei2.th

Last edited by on Tue 23 Oct 2007, 11:57 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptySun 14 Oct 2007, 12:27 pm

$600 plus shipping!
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptySun 14 Oct 2007, 7:19 pm

thinking about it. have a couple questions. Whats the FPS? Is the battery a large? and I remember something about it's hard to get to How hard is it?/ any srews to go through? If the battery is a large how much of a price drop would you be willing to make by taking the battery out of the deal?
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptySun 14 Oct 2007, 10:29 pm

the battery is a small and sadly that is all that will fit due t othe design of the scar, and yes, a hrx wrench or allan key is needed to get into the battery compartment which you get to by folding the stock to one side.

As for the FPS, it is stock so should be shooting 300fps although I dont have a chrono. I was told that it was shooting only 220 by a team mate which is weird since it'll pierce the side of a popcan with ease. I figure he didnt have the battery fully charged so I'll retest it before selling it.

The gun currently has DEANS connectors on the gun and battery so I will also throw in a DEANS adapter for a battery charger!
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyMon 15 Oct 2007, 11:44 pm

Can't afford it right now. Please let me know if you drop the price by another $100 then I'll have to scrounge some money together.
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyTue 16 Oct 2007, 9:39 am

Not that I'm a gun mech, but your battery is not likely to be the problem.
A low battery could have an effect on ROF and if it's not charged it may not crank the spring, which means it won't shoot at all. It will not have an effect on the fps. If it can pull the spring back, the spring releases with the same force regardless of how much the battery is charged. If the fps has dropped it is more likely an air seal problem or a faulty spring. Could also be an improperly adjusted hopup. Smile

Drache wrote:

As for the FPS, it is stock so should be shooting 300fps although I dont have a chrono. I was told that it was shooting only 220 by a team mate which is weird since it'll pierce the side of a popcan with ease. I figure he didnt have the battery fully charged so I'll retest it before selling it.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyTue 16 Oct 2007, 9:46 am

well my team mate said he chrono'd it with dave's chrono and it read 205, yet it'll go through the side of a can using the poor man's chrono test....
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyTue 16 Oct 2007, 10:27 am

Despite what people think the poor man's chrono isn't that good of a test. Well at least that is what I've found. I've had a 280 fps gun go through the bottom, which isn't saying much. Although its universal many people do not follow the guidelines... if there are really any, and so people get different results.

Wayne you are right about the battery, lower mAh, or not fully charged would just not cycle. The low fps is due to either the hop up, or a seal problem. When I did your M14 Drache, the hope up wasn't sitting correctly and the first time I shot it, it was shooting 215, 300, 186, 375... etc... just random and low numbers. Of course it could just be that some odd time the spring was left unreleased. Regardless, Horton can probably open this thing up and give it a new spring, so its not that big of a deal.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyTue 16 Oct 2007, 10:38 am

My guess is seals, spring don't loose that much power.
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyTue 16 Oct 2007, 1:08 pm

CA scars should be shooting around 330-350fps stock
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyThu 18 Oct 2007, 1:33 pm

Ok Im just going to say screw it, $500 plus shipping
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyFri 19 Oct 2007, 8:56 am

For the record, it chrono'd at ~205 three shots in a row, with hop up turned on. Ran it all day on the one battery, too, which I charged up completely the night before the game.
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyFri 19 Oct 2007, 9:01 am

Looks like I'm buying a scar L. My preferince is to wate till you come to a game in P.G. if this wont be for a while please let me know.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyFri 19 Oct 2007, 10:39 am

Sorry its sold!
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyFri 19 Oct 2007, 11:33 am

If its sold, then please say so in the thread. Its not that hard to update or edit threads. Seems fair enough to let everyone know if an item is sold. I'll leave this thread up for a while until its a done deal.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyFri 19 Oct 2007, 11:36 am

beach_boy wrote:
If its sold, then please say so in the thread. Its not that hard to update or edit threads. Seems fair enough to let everyone know if an item is sold. I'll leave this thread up for a while until its a done deal.

Its not like it was being bumped, it was already at the very top of the list from Gyphs comment and then you bumped it back up to the top with your comment.
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyFri 19 Oct 2007, 6:37 pm

I think your misunderstanding what I said, I don't care about it being bumped, that's no problem as you were answering Billy's question, what I was trying to say is, to at least post, or edit your post to say it was sold. Heck even a bump to say it was sold is fine. I just think its being respectful and a good salesman by being on top of your sales. But props to you for getting it sold. Best of Luck... oh and I think your M733 is pretty freakin' nice... if its the one I am thinking it is.
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! EmptyThu 01 Nov 2007, 9:43 pm

I think this can be deleated sing as I have bought it and am in posision of the scar L
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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!   CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop! Empty

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CA FN SCAR-L Package - Price Drop!
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