Here's what the two look like mounted
Items will be sold in order of PM's. Items for Sale:DBoys CASV Includes:- DBoys CASV
- TM M733 Complete front End (minus flashider)
*note: The part that rests inside the delta ring was broken in transit, but has been fixed and reinforced. The CASV and Delta ring have been modified to accompany each other. Has been sanded down and repainted as the factory paint job was horrible. Paint is Krylon Camo Khaki
Price:$100 obo
VLTOR Club Stock ReplicaIncludes:- VLTOR Club Stock Replica
- 8.4v 2000 mah? Battery
- Buffer Tube (6 position) and furniture (screw and washer)
*note: Bought earlier this summer, but I do not know the manufacturer. I can confidently say that it is not a cheap Chinese replica. The battery has only been charge a handful of times. It is in excellent condition.
Price:SOLD - Traded
Payment OptionsWould prefer payments through EMT's, but can do DD if required, but buyers able to do EMT's will be given priority over those who cannot.
ShippingPrices do not include shipping. If both items are bought, I will cover shipping. I will not be able to bring these home at Christmas as I am already loaded down with other gear. Sorry about that.
Trades- VN M16 Mags + cash
- 3-9x Scope