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 Sweet Summer Game

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Number of posts : 200
Age : 34
Location : prince george
Registration date : 2007-01-31

Player Info
Club Status: Member
Geo: PG

Sweet Summer Game Empty
PostSubject: Sweet Summer Game   Sweet Summer Game EmptySun 17 Feb 2008, 8:03 pm

So i watched this show the other day on the military channel called "Special Forces- Manhunt" and i thought it would be a sweet type of game to play in the summer. The show is about a team of ex-military that hunt some SAS guy in all sorts of different places (Iraq, Africa, Russia, ect.) and they have help from locals and stuff like that. i think it would be a sweet senario game to play at busters. Does anyone have any ideas or ways we could trist it around and make a sweet game for the summer??? lets hear some ideas.
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