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 Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!

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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty
PostSubject: Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!   Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! EmptySat 23 Feb 2008, 1:05 am

Well I just sold my fake body armor to another local player. He wanted to test out the vest with the fake ballistic plates in it. These plates are made of a hard foam (like the foam used in those huge floating mats you find at public pools) and the front is 1.5" and the back is 1" thick.

So Aedomon loaded the SPAS and took a shot from about 10 feet away. The player said he couldn't even feel it. Next came the VSR clone at 450fps once again at 10 feet. We all figured if he couldn't feel the VSR then he should survive anything. Well I lined up and pulled the trigger.

The BB went through the vest and burried itself into the fake ballistic plate. Needless to say I dropped the vest price by $5 and we all laughed while taking a picture.

You might not be able to see, but the I am not joking when I said the BB went through the material of the vest and halfway through the foam!

Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Dscf2177qo3
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Number of posts : 1059
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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!   Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! EmptySat 23 Feb 2008, 12:02 pm

well I guess the vest did it's fake job! LOL!
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Number of posts : 1310
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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!   Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! EmptySat 23 Feb 2008, 2:28 pm

Ha ha ha, cool. Guess ya need to swap back for an AEG sometime.

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http://<br><img src=https://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f
Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!   Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! EmptySat 23 Feb 2008, 3:28 pm

=Daes= wrote:
Ha ha ha, cool. Guess ya need to swap back for an AEG sometime.


I have a NIB CA M4 that I purchased for $400 arriving on the 28th....
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!   Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! EmptySun 24 Feb 2008, 1:55 am

HOLY WOWZERS! THere is now way I am ever going to take part in a no FPS limits CQC game...ever...that is nuts. Picture is worth 1000 words.
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Quesnel MEM
Quesnel MEM

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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!   Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! EmptyTue 26 Feb 2008, 9:21 pm

well the other sniper I want to pick up is 480-500fps....
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Number of posts : 1059
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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!   Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! EmptyThu 28 Feb 2008, 10:32 pm

Not exactly an airsoft item but defiantly CQB related!

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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!   Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons! Empty

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Sniper rifles are not CQB weapons!
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