I would love this to be an open disscussion on what we liked about this years CQC and what we want to see for next year. I don't want to create a "we should have" but do want to start planning for the year to come.
I loved the CQC, I loved not playing in the snow and cold for 2 months, I loved having new interest in the sport for 2 months, I loved the hard work and dedication of members to make it happen...I really had a good time and honestly have no regrets about anything we did.
For next year I would suggest
-Jan, Feb, March
-only playing every second weekend
-more plywood walls less mondo heavy walls ( I am grateful for them too, thanks Bill)
-All guns must shooting under 300fps (this allows all players to be full auto and less damage to the room and to others)
-Pay to have a CQC trainer come in and teach some skills (I realize this is not for everyone but I would have loved to have someone tell me how to do it right instead of dying all the time...)