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 RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5

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2 posters

Number of posts : 19
Age : 58
Location : Red Deer, AB
Registration date : 2006-07-10

RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 Empty
PostSubject: RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5   RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 EmptyThu 17 Apr 2008, 11:10 pm

R.A.A.T. (Red Deer Airsoft Assault Teams, Red Deer, AB) Presents Operation N.A.D.2.5 is scheduled for June 21, 2008.

The game will run unless there is a torrential downpour or a weather warning is in effect. The game will run if the field is wet or if there is a light rain. Beware SystemA users!

Operation NAD II.V

The initial combat set the tone for the civil war. CCCP had managed to accumulate substantial cash & resources over the USA. CCCP even managed to have the impartial UN Observer join their cause and could now provide damaging intel to CCCP about UN interests in Raatistan. The killing of a UN intel pilot by CCCP troops brought down the wraith of the UN, cutting off all supply drops and the arrest of the black marketer, the sole source of funds which with to purchase supplies.

The USA, while acquiring some cash, had not managed to acquire any resources.

Several months have passed since the initial conflict. Both sides have moved their FOB’s several times and battle lines are still quite fluid. Both sides have found another black marketeer to conduct business with to sell goods for cash to trade for supplies and/or manpower.

Team Selections:

Teams are separated by camo type, no exceptions!

CCCP - Central Corporate Capitalist Party (Blue Team)
Digital Camo Only – Shirt & Pants (i.e. ACU, Marpat, Cadpat)

USA - United Socialist Alliance (Red Team)
Analog Camo Only – Shirt & Pants (i.e. Woodland, Multicam, OD)

Pregame Briefing - 9:30am

Game Start time: 10:00 am Sharp

Field Fee - $30.00 (This will be an 8-10 hour milsim, no breaks. BBQ after the game is included with game fee. Sorry, there is no discount for not attending the BBQ.

Weather: TBA

Be sure to read and understand all RAAT rules prior to coming to the field.

Game set rules will posted seperately. USA and CCCP will have to have commanders either volunteer or be selected by their team.

All RAAT Rules are inforce if not listed seperately in the game rules.

Waiver signing will be required and a chrono will be available for use. ALL GUNS WILL BE CHRONO'D PRIOR TO GAME.

Game Team forums are up. Go there to sign up and please review all rules.

Teams will have to choose their team leaders and/or negotiators.

Be advised, some rules may be tweaked prior to game day. Changes will be posted, if made.

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Number of posts : 19
Age : 58
Location : Red Deer, AB
Registration date : 2006-07-10

RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5   RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 EmptyTue 03 Jun 2008, 8:36 pm

Only a handful of sleeps to go......
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Number of posts : 153
Age : 53
Location : GP, AB, CA
Registration date : 2007-02-22

RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5   RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 EmptyTue 03 Jun 2008, 8:53 pm

I'll be there. If anyone wants to ride down, you can meet up with us in GP and ride down from there. If we don't dilly-dally too much, it's about a 5.5 hour drive from GP (or quicker if we go faster).
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Number of posts : 19
Age : 58
Location : Red Deer, AB
Registration date : 2006-07-10

RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5   RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 EmptyWed 18 Jun 2008, 9:17 pm

For anyone coming to OP N.A.D. 2.5 this weekend.

Please print off a copy of the club waiver found here:

Main Waiver

If you are a minor (16-17), you must have this signed by your parent(s) or legal guardian, not a friend or team mate. Also, for minors only, we need a copy of the medical release form signed by your parent(s) or legal guardian. This allows us to take you for medical treatment in case of emergency if your parent(s) or legal guardian can not be contacted.

Minor Medical Release Form

If a minor does not have both of these documents with them, signed appropriately, they will not be permitted to play or even enter the field. Please remember to bring these with you. It's a long wait until the end of the game or a long ride home. Put the signed copies in your gun case, kit bag, etc. so you do not forget them.

For others, please have the waivers filled out ahead of time. It will make the registeration process so much quicker. Hard copies will be available at the game for those with oldtimers.
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RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5   RAAT Presents - OP N.A.D. 2.5 Empty

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