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 E&I guns etc

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Registration date : 2005-10-26

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E&I guns etc Empty
PostSubject: E&I guns etc   E&I guns etc EmptyThu 05 Nov 2009, 3:50 am

No name Clear bodied AKs with fake wood furniture 250ish plus tax
I can't remember the brand but he has an M4 in stock that is similar to the AK's for quality. Close to 300ish.

He also has some BBs. If anyone remembers the flying colours stuff I used to use. 5000BBs for $35 plus tax, also has .25s in bottles for a similar price.

Some of it worth looking at or buying if you are desperate for a gun locally. The M4 at the Van games performed well and had a high FPS. These clear AK's even had clear fire selector (tappet) plates which is not a great sign.
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