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 XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258)

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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

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XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Empty
PostSubject: XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258)   XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) EmptyWed 21 Mar 2007, 8:36 pm

I have been randomly typing in XM## into google and seeing what guns and stuff come up (Yeah, I am bored today). First up is the XM-26, what a cool shotgun mod. I think the master key looks tighter but, wow, the XM26 looks mean! Would make a great airsoft mod.

XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) XM-26_Shotgun
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) XM-26-1
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Xm-26-early

XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) XM-26-2
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) XM-26-3


Last edited by on Wed 21 Mar 2007, 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

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Club Status: Member
Geo: Too far away...

XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258)   XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) EmptyWed 21 Mar 2007, 8:39 pm

Yeah, we all know the XM8, so here it is:
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Xm8-s
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Xm8-poster

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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

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Club Status: Member
Geo: Too far away...

XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258)   XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) EmptyWed 21 Mar 2007, 8:42 pm

XM29, just a little bit huge, but its modular system is kind of neat. Looks like this is where the FN2000 was adapted from.
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Oicw
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) OICW
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Oicw2

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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

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Club Status: Member
Geo: Too far away...

XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258)   XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) EmptyWed 21 Mar 2007, 8:44 pm

XM307... Yeah... Just a little bit completely insane!!

XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) M307-6
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) M307-3
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Xm307-2

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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

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Club Status: Member
Geo: Too far away...

XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258)   XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) EmptyWed 21 Mar 2007, 8:54 pm

For XM258, I got this, something regarding AAi advanced combat rifles and flechete rounds, weird stuff:

XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) KACTour135
XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Xm645-spiw

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XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Empty
PostSubject: Re: XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258)   XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258) Empty

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XM Guns (26, 8, 29, 307, 258)
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