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 KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide

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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptyTue 06 Feb 2007, 4:27 pm

I just took some quick shots of my Glock and they turned out way better than I thought they were going to. I would also like to point out that there are straight off my camera, no photoshop here...

KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide P1010005dn2

KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide P1010008am6

Last edited by on Fri 09 Feb 2007, 11:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptyTue 06 Feb 2007, 11:25 pm

Heh heh, before photoshop:
KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide P1010005dn2

KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide P1010005dn2qv8

See, photoshop allLLLlways makes things look better.

On the real note, what camera you use? Nikon D70? SLR?

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http://<br><img src=https://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f

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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptyWed 07 Feb 2007, 1:32 am

Daes the sad thing is I used an Olympus point and shoot digi. I don't know what got into me, I had my D70 (yes mine, I got one over the Christmas break... Yeeha!) sitting right beside me but I ended up not using it... not exactly sure why but that's how things went down...

FYI, your link is broken, I got really excited to see what you did (ie. How many horns were coming out of the barrel, or some space gun mod) but I was sadly disappointed in not being able to see it.
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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptyWed 07 Feb 2007, 2:58 am

lol, weird, imageshack musta hated you, works fine now...

Nah, I just over compressed it and turned it pink. I was being lazy... Sorry Sad

Still, very nice quality for an olympus! Great scene set-up and lighting. Guess with a little bit of work, even non-slr's can look good. Good job!

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http://<br><img src=https://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f

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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptyThu 08 Feb 2007, 6:44 pm

What was photoshop suposed to do besides turn it pink?
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptyFri 09 Feb 2007, 1:59 pm

Great gun shots Mike, beats my gun on carpet shots.

Gryph, photoshop can pretty much do anything to a picture. It's an editing program for pictures.
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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptyFri 09 Feb 2007, 11:50 pm

Freak out, Wayne pointed out to me that it is a KSC not a KWA, the KWA lacks the trigger safety... dang... oh well better deal for me I guess
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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptySat 10 Feb 2007, 11:46 am

Geeezz Wayne knows his stuff, kudo's to him. What makes a KWA better than a KSC?

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http://<br><img src=https://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f

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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptySat 10 Feb 2007, 1:18 pm

I found this site and figured that my KWA was a KSC...


But I'm not sure which is better, seems to be a toss up...

KWA and KSC guns are functionallyexactlythe
same. All KSC parts fit KWA guns, and visa versa. Themagazines
interchangeable, and so are all upgrade parts. Somepeople
that KSC guns are much better than KWA guns, this may notbe the
case. The performance is the same, and in many cases, everythingelse isexcept minor details. Things such as trademarks, and a triggersafetyin the case of the Glocks doesn't make a certain gun better thantheother, although, since Airsoft guns are replicas it does make one abetterreplica than the other. If you get a KSC gun because you thinkit willoutperform a KWA gun, then don't, because that is not true. Ifyou geta KSC gun because you want trademarks and other features thatyoucan't get with a KWA, then by all means do so. Just be informedthat aKSC gun isn't going to shoot harder, or farther than a KWA gun.I haveshot KSCs and KWAs and compared them side-to-side. Some peoplemightsay that their certain KWA gun didn't perform as well as theirKSC gun.This could simply be that they got a lemon KWA, or a betterthanaverage KSC. Even when comparing 2 guns from the same company theywill noperform exactly the same.

I'm not entirely sure which is better, although my research shows that the KWA
does not have a heavy weight frame, and lacks the trigger safety.

Check the site out it and decide for yourself which is better...
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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
PostSubject: Re: KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide   KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide EmptyTue 13 Feb 2007, 12:32 pm

Nice link. Some helpful identifiers. My first KSC G18c came from Canadian Airsoft in GP and doesn't have trades on the handgrip or mag, but it does have the grip safety. The second G18c I bought from a guy on Airsoft Canada and he claimed it was a KWA but it has trades on the grip and the bottom of the mag and it also has a trigger safety. WTF? Smile
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KSC Glock 19 w/metal slide Empty
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