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 What camo?

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2 posters

Number of posts : 72
Age : 35
Location : Prince George.
Registration date : 2007-02-20

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Geo: Boonies Past The Hart

What camo? Empty
PostSubject: What camo?   What camo? EmptySun 25 Mar 2007, 9:14 pm

I want to buy some camo but i'm not sure what to get, i'm looking to get either multicam or ACU from dave's surplus. Any input on what camo to get would be apprieciated.
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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

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Geo: Too far away...

What camo? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What camo?   What camo? EmptySun 25 Mar 2007, 9:29 pm

ACU is generally cheaper but multicam is sexier. Mind you, ACU is more readily available as issue meaning the real thing. Check the ASC used forums for gear, you can get some great deals on near new items.

Also, if I ever do another Redwolf group order, you can get a Multicam or ACU kit for $50 US, looks great too (Frag wore the multicam pants to the night game).

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