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 Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization

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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyMon 16 Jan 2006, 1:50 am

I read Daves post on the Night OPS game. Sorry I couldn't make it people, I have no ammo. I did manage to aqquire a speed loader though, so I can stop borrowing everyone elses - YAY! Anyways the point of this post is that I know everyone's concerned that too few of us are showing up to play, for WHATEVER reason. I was thinking, to solve this, why don't we simply have at least ONE day every month scheduled for play, so people can book time off, make preparations, convince their g/f's to let them play, ETC...We could reserve one day a month for us, and if any of us have time, we can set up other games for any other day...just a thought. Any comments?

-Jeff Partnoy
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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyMon 16 Jan 2006, 3:05 am

Yuurei, we do book 2 dedicated games a month, once every two weeks. These are usually stated well ahead of time. Alas, that date is usually on a Saturday, so many people are unable to attend.

Now for my long winded rant

I would like to treat my Airsoft as a sport or martial arts. When I am doing martial arts, it is at least 2-3 times a week. When I am into a sport, it is ~4 times a week. If I can make time to play squash for 2+ hours 4 times a week, then Airsoft is a pitence of time. I must admit that I only have ~24 hours of classes/labs and ~0-20 hours of homework a week.

The problem is very spatial in PG. People are spread out very far and we do not have a field that can be played on at anytime and can support infrastructure development.

I personally would like to treat Airsoft as a martial arts. We have touched on so little of the capacity that Airsoft offers. This is why we need to push and discover areas that support our needs. The tiny CQB area is a good start. CQB is very different from ranged fighting and demands the training of skills and reaction. Ability is natural but skills take time, learning, and practice.

The boxing room also offers, exactly that, boxing materials. If people are interested in learning grappling techniques for dis-arming opponents (gun wielding maniacs), there are professional teachers in PG and people willing to share technique. I would be willing to share equipment and time to teach some valuable grappling and weapon (baton, etc) fighting.

Don't get me wrong, Airsoft also serves as a great game and hobby, great for relaxing. I just think that if a variety of very different forms of Airsoft are offered, more people may gain a dedication towards it. Nic tried to offer some professional training, admittedly I could have been more dedicated into the mood. If we offer a "course" environment in said training, then people can choose to attend and be dedicated towards learning the skills. Though many of us will never need/want to shoot someone or be in an environment that requires these skills, the learning (like with all sports and martial arts) can be used for many other life skills.

Realistically, we will not be able to play 2+ times a week. We do not have any structure to support this. Looking at a great example in Ontario, http://ttac3.factoronto.com/ is a group that does exactly what I am taliking about. Toronto Tactical Airsoft Close Combat College practices both set of skills and uses a modular Dojo to cater to an every changing environment. I doubt that we could have such a place to call home but it would be nice to have a dedicated playing field that members would feel good about investing in.

If PG Airsoft could have a dependable field, offer a variety of styles, and advertise to a larger audience (cough cough table at UNBC & CNC, advertise at local Dojo's) then i think that would could develope a core of dedicated individuals that are interested in having a fun game/time but also develope skill and ability to go kick Kelowna's butt.

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2006-01-16

Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyMon 16 Jan 2006, 3:23 am

you have GOT to be kidding right? Rolling Eyes u absolutely can not use " Twisted Evil girlfriends Twisted Evil " as an excuse, nor can u blame them for someone’s lack of attendance. i mean common how often do u see geoff missing a game? i'v even joined him a few times. Very Happy
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Number of posts : 229
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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: No offence   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyMon 16 Jan 2006, 10:30 am

I meant no offence when I made the g/f comment. I was just explaining that as another aspect of all our lives. G/fs need lots of time and love, aside from homework, classes, etc...I phrased that badly, and apologize Embarassed
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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: gf   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyMon 16 Jan 2006, 3:21 pm

can you say.... whipped
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyMon 16 Jan 2006, 7:21 pm

Jacquie you go girl. My wife isn't into playing but is glad to get me out of the house and loves to hear the stories of games. She's also getting into my buying and selling which is fun to have a girl to talk gun with.

We introduced arisoft to Prince George 4 months ago which means that we are having to start from ground zero in terms of a player base. Besides Doug, Jeff (and company) and myself there was noone in town that even owned a gun let alone had heard of the sport. We have expectations that are to high for what moment in time we are at. PGA is in it's starting phase not it's running phase. This is a time of recruitment, education and finding our niche (and a good home).

Nothing we are doing is in cement right now. We need to be careful not to complain but to suggest and brian storm instead. But even doing those things we need to be careful where we do it to make sure we are not just throwing out random ideas and expecting "someone" to make them happen. At this time if you want something to happen you need to be the one doing it or get some support from everyone else to help you. (Dougs night game, he had the idea long ago but noone ever did anything about it so he did it himself-way to go Doug). I personally am ready for some new games and more complex playing but I don't have the time to prep them and we lack numbers to do some of the better games. EVERYTHING IS FLEXIBLE...JUST SUGGEST. We can play on a Wednesday morning if that works better for everyone or play for 24 hours straight if that works better.

The club needs to grow a bit in regular members coming and we need to find a home. Let's make up the rules for the CQB (small it may be) as we go, I think lots of good points have been brought up and discussed. The whole thing may still fall through I still havn't been given a night or $price$ yet.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyMon 16 Jan 2006, 7:25 pm

can we move this talk out of the meeting section and into chinesse parliment?
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Number of posts : 104
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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyTue 17 Jan 2006, 4:18 am

Techically I was doing so-called Blackmarking Airsoft Buy and Sale in UNBC dorm since 2003 - 2005 Razz
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Number of posts : 1310
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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyTue 17 Jan 2006, 12:11 pm

Yuu wrote:
Techically I was doing so-called Blackmarking Airsoft Buy and Sale in UNBC dorm since 2003 - 2005 Razz

Which I commend you for, anything to bring down the Res Nazi's! Stupid R.A.'s grumble grumble grumble...

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Number of posts : 251
Age : 39
Location : Prince George/Coquitlam BC
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty
PostSubject: RAs   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization EmptyWed 18 Jan 2006, 9:20 pm

That's cuz u got caught...i had paintball guns and an assortment of knives in my room Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization   Lack of players(Yuurei)/Doug's long winded conceptualization Empty

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