N.I.A.- Northern Interior Airsoft
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 Private Games

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

Number of posts : 3838
Age : 41
Location : Intown
Registration date : 2005-10-26

Player Info
Club Status: Member
Geo: Local

Private Games Empty
PostSubject: Private Games   Private Games EmptySun 26 Mar 2006, 5:49 pm

To come to a private game you must (borrow, own or rent)

-Battle Dress Uniform pants, jacket, hat (Military/Police issue or close replica, does not have to match)
-Proper outdoor boots
-vest, kneepads, body armour (optional)
-special occastions may include specific civilian clothes (ie suit, George Bush mask, target shirt...)

-Must be higher than recruit
-Know basic hand signals/field communication
-Prove yourself to be competent in safety and rules

Guns Primary-must have one of the following
-High end AEG
-High end Shot-gun
-High end gas rifle/machine pistol
-High end small AEGs or AEP
-have enought magazines to play longer games without reloading or have to ability to load in the field effectivly

Guns Secondary (optional)
-High end gas pistols
-Springers that shoot over 200fps with .2s

-Be a good sportsman
-Be able to work within a team well

This is not meant to make our club elitist but rather to encourage the players who are more serious about gear and guns and to encourage more military simualtion gaming. Gives us the ability to play more complex games knowing that every player there can handle their own gear, have the right equipment and know the game.

You cannot rent experience...comes with time Very Happy

Last edited by on Thu 06 Apr 2006, 3:58 pm; edited 3 times in total
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