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 April 1 2006-private

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3 posters
Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

Number of posts : 3838
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Registration date : 2005-10-26

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April 1 2006-private Empty
PostSubject: April 1 2006-private   April 1 2006-private EmptySun 02 Apr 2006, 9:39 am

April fools, Frag, Yuu, Chinese and myselft showed up. While Frag and I were waiting for team China to come out we chrono some guns. Frags M1 was shooting 510fps first shot with 2.s and dropped down to 460-475 for the rest. affraid . So he decided not to use that gun. (things are starting to make a little more sense now arn't they Wayne). Got some shots of Frag posing with the SG1 and my mega scope.

Frag and I walked the new area for a while. Very impressive with roads (not just road) trails, gravel pits, open bush, burned out cars and trucks, debris piles, rolling hills, old structures (wooden platforms in sandbanks etc) and so much more. Wish I took some pics but whatever.

Played some touch the toilet which ended up just being Frag and Hortons hunting the attacking team. Frag lived up to his name with some nice grenade throws and everyone got hit in the face at least once. Yuu has a new red dot chin for aiming. Pistols only rushing a position ended the day.

Yuu's new p90 is shooting 350ish with .2s and I broke my tommy gun...agian. Over all great area and fun games. See you all at the next game.


why didn't anyone tell me I look so dweby in my flecktarn?
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Number of posts : 274
Location : in the Boonies
Registration date : 2005-10-25

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April 1 2006-private Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 1 2006-private   April 1 2006-private EmptySun 02 Apr 2006, 2:04 pm

For sure the best place I ever played !! There's everything we need (exept a CQB place). I just hope it's not too busy in summer.

So yes my gun was chrono at 510 Rolling Eyes so, IMO it's a NOGO. I just don't want to take the risk, so it'll be for sale soon.

A good game, and again I saw that CADPAT works....but I still hate it !

Thanks for coming
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Number of posts : 707
Age : 51
Location : Moberly Lake
Registration date : 2005-11-25

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April 1 2006-private Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 1 2006-private   April 1 2006-private EmptySun 02 Apr 2006, 11:46 pm

Great pics! Sorry I missed the game, stupid shift work. I'll take that mk 1 carbine, it rocks! (Just ask my forehead.) I'll have to chrono it with some different gases and heavier bb's to see if it's workable for our regular PG games or if it's still too hot. It'll be great for games in Grande Prairie or Kelowna where everyone else uses hot guns.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

Number of posts : 3838
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April 1 2006-private Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 1 2006-private   April 1 2006-private EmptyMon 03 Apr 2006, 10:16 am

IF you can get it down below the 490s with .2s then that gun should be no problem.
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Number of posts : 707
Age : 51
Location : Moberly Lake
Registration date : 2005-11-25

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April 1 2006-private Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 1 2006-private   April 1 2006-private EmptyWed 12 Apr 2006, 7:37 pm

From what I've read in the forums it shoots around 400 fps with duster and 0.2's. I'll bring it out next time I'm down, hopefully you'll have the chrono working. Smile
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

Number of posts : 3838
Age : 41
Location : Intown
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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April 1 2006-private Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 1 2006-private   April 1 2006-private EmptyThu 13 Apr 2006, 8:44 am

I'm such a putz Sad
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April 1 2006-private Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 1 2006-private   April 1 2006-private Empty

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