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 April 21 EAR training day

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4 posters

Number of posts : 251
Age : 39
Location : Prince George/Coquitlam BC
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April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptySun 22 Apr 2007, 2:51 am

i went and visited bliss this weekend and decided to pay the edmonton club a visit. Great bunch of guys who are very knowledgeable and i had a blast...i wore our famous club patch and represented PG to the EAR guys. Well here's some pics i took..enjoy

April 21 EAR training day DSC00679
April 21 EAR training day DSC00681
April 21 EAR training day DSC00677

the rest of the pics can be found here

i would like to thank Jarhead, dirtdiver, and the others for their hospitality
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Number of posts : 1310
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April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptySun 22 Apr 2007, 11:16 am

Geez that gun looks heavy...

Yeah, EAR is great, especially with the nearby CF base. I am glad that you made the road trip and can bring back some valuable insight. btw, great photos.

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Number of posts : 153
Age : 53
Location : GP, AB, CA
Registration date : 2007-02-22

April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptyTue 24 Apr 2007, 4:19 am

Looks like lots of new faces I don't recognize. Some returning guys I see. Who was running the training this year? I see Aaron (big old guy) aka Siglynn (or Dirtdiver) and Jon (mud) were there so, I'm guessing them (both CF).

I've never been to their training days as I know everything already. Looks like the Leduc field is good to go.
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Number of posts : 1310
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April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptyTue 24 Apr 2007, 7:11 pm

macguyver wrote:
I've never been to their training days as I know everything already.

Dude, I am assuming that is in jest. The nice thing about Airsoft and ex-military is that each individual brings something new to the table to be learned. Both of the ex-mil folks in PG have similar basic training (as close as France and Canada is similar) but completely end-user training.

Though I will never be able to emulate any of the advanced skills that either of these folks have, I will always be learning new and useful skills everytime I attend a training day (sorry that I haven't been able to make it to any of Ulfhednar's).

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Number of posts : 153
Age : 53
Location : GP, AB, CA
Registration date : 2007-02-22

April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptyTue 24 Apr 2007, 8:38 pm

=Daes= wrote:
macguyver wrote:
I've never been to their training days as I know everything already.

Dude, I am assuming that is in jest.

I'm always serious whenever I type something. I can prove it. I'll bring my phasor with me to a game you guys attend, and then you KNOW I'm serious.

Hasn't someone invented a sarcasm emoticon yet?

I see Mr. gunman that you met Wes (Jarhead). Nice fellow and a very intense player.
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Number of posts : 1310
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April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptyTue 24 Apr 2007, 10:15 pm

Ha ha ha good. Yeah, that is the problem with the INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.

You never know though...

Speaking of attending games. Is GP having any large events this summer?

is giving a dead link.

Sorry to question any sacarsm, I look forward to some road trip opportunities to see some of the other teams and there oh, so sexy, arsenals.

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Number of posts : 153
Age : 53
Location : GP, AB, CA
Registration date : 2007-02-22

April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptyTue 24 Apr 2007, 10:30 pm

I updated the out-of-town games section with a couple games that I know are still a go. RAAT had a 24hr on May 12, but it got cancelled.

GP may have 1 game this year, as long as we get a field and some interest, then we could have one. We had about 40 last Sept. give or take and we could do that again I think. I plan to road-trip to some games in Alberta this year, as I never made a RAAT game or JOC game last year at all.

I have been to a few EAR games in Leduc over the last couple of years. They always have alot of new players. Funny, when I was there for a game last Sept., there were 30 guys or so (average turnout) and I was one of only 4 or 5 guys who knew the field layout. So far, EAR has the best field in Alberta that I've been to, and is far superior to the "Ranch" that KS2.5 was held at. The only fault I find is that there is a large open area right in the middle of the field that's about 40 acres, but the built-up areas are quite good and you can have 200 people on that field and it wouldn't be crowded at all, as it's on about 140 acres as it is.
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Number of posts : 251
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April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptyWed 25 Apr 2007, 3:42 pm

macguyver wrote:

I see Mr. gunman that you met Wes (Jarhead). Nice fellow and a very intense player.

Mr. gunman?..no need to be formal..lol.

dirtdiver(aaron) was running most of the training with the help of some other people...i can't remember their names.

i was talking to wes most of the time and he even shot me a compliment about my gear..he's a good guy and i would love to play a real game with these guys
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Number of posts : 1310
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April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptyWed 25 Apr 2007, 8:36 pm

Thanks for the updates Macguyver!

Great to hear some insider info on the fields.

For us lowly folks in PG who have not met in person to access the JOC website, would you be able to post the briefing on our site?

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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April 21 EAR training day Empty
PostSubject: Re: April 21 EAR training day   April 21 EAR training day EmptyMon 30 Apr 2007, 11:55 am

How did I miss this post. What topics did they cover?

The badge looks great!
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April 21 EAR training day Empty
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