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 The NIA Mission Statement Discussion

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Number of posts : 817
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Registration date : 2005-10-26

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Geo: Caronport, SK [Temporary]

The NIA Mission Statement Discussion - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion - Page 2 EmptyMon 19 Mar 2007, 7:37 pm

I believe that it was quoted earlier that the best discussions we've had were over controversial topics. Seriously people, Doug's right, it is super important for all of you to express your ideas, if you don't your voice will never be heard.... I was going to write more but it is now beginning to sound like I'm trying to run for mayor and get your votes...
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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion - Page 2 EmptyMon 19 Mar 2007, 7:48 pm

beach_boy wrote:
I believe that it was quoted earlier that the best discussions we've had were over controversial topics. Seriously people, Doug's right, it is super important for all of you to express your ideas, if you don't your voice will never be heard.... I was going to write more but it is now beginning to sound like I'm trying to run for mayor and get your votes...

I agree Beach, it does sound like I am running for mayor. That is the last thing that I would want. I hate how these conversations sound, it really is hard to discuss these ideas because we all have different visions and thoughts that are hard to communicate. It is hard to make these conversations sound impersonal since NIA is a team and everything here said is personal. Having these conversations makes me feel bi-polar or something, one conversation is debating the merits and semantics of a post, the others are about wicked guns and how much we all YATTA love each other (heh heh, google)... Kind of adding un-needed stress to the forum.

The only reason why half of this takes place on the forum is some of us are stuck out of town. I have become a master-chairsofter, full of ideas but no outlet besides the forum. I want to continue to participate in the club even if I cannot attend every game.

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Number of posts : 274
Location : in the Boonies
Registration date : 2005-10-25

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion - Page 2 EmptySun 09 Sep 2007, 1:37 am

Quote :
The mission of NIA is to provide stimulating airsoft experiences for all; NOOB to veteran.
This can be accomplished by:
--growing the club through games where NOOBs are encouraged; i.e. run and gun
--growing NOOBs into dedicated members through more advanced games and training; i.e. mini ops, boot camp etc
--squad format games for experienced players where they can hone and practice skills; i.e. OPs, mil-sim

It is expected that interested players will then become dedicated players and advance up the scale.

I suggest that NIA make a long term goal of hosting a large mil-sim in 2008. That means prepareing both the location (if Nic is comfortable with the idea) and the 'team'.
Team preparations would start now with the raw materials we have--lots of interested players with a range of gear. From here, the more experienced and dedicated players can start the squad concept, 'cutting a path' for others to follow as they get to that level. The objective is for the entire NIA to be one large functioning unit with multiple complemetary sub units.

This way new players have a goal to work towards--learning the basics to be able to take part in the Big Game, and veterans work towards a goal, learning specific skills to use in the Big Game.

After the first Mil-Sim, evaluate the event and improve for the next year.

Couldn't say it better so I copy and paste ! That's my point of view.
I'm oriented toward realism and Milsim : few free weekend so I'm not playing fast/small game.
I really like the kind of player that plays Milsim that's why I always want to have one ready just in case ...
As for the training we need an instructor ! an Airsoft instructor ! Not me : nobody will like the kind of training I can offer Evil or Very Mad

My vote anyway
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Number of posts : 1310
Age : 42
Location : Victoria/Alberta
Registration date : 2005-10-28

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Club Status: Member
Geo: Too far away...

The NIA Mission Statement Discussion - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion - Page 2 EmptyMon 10 Sep 2007, 9:12 pm

=FRAG= wrote:
Quote :
The mission of NIA is to provide stimulating airsoft experiences for all; NOOB to veteran.
This can be accomplished by:
--growing the club through games where NOOBs are encouraged; i.e. run and gun
--growing NOOBs into dedicated members through more advanced games and training; i.e. mini ops, boot camp etc
--squad format games for experienced players where they can hone and practice skills; i.e. OPs, mil-sim

It is expected that interested players will then become dedicated players and advance up the scale.

I suggest that NIA make a long term goal of hosting a large mil-sim in 2008. That means prepareing both the location (if Nic is comfortable with the idea) and the 'team'.
Team preparations would start now with the raw materials we have--lots of interested players with a range of gear. From here, the more experienced and dedicated players can start the squad concept, 'cutting a path' for others to follow as they get to that level. The objective is for the entire NIA to be one large functioning unit with multiple complemetary sub units.

This way new players have a goal to work towards--learning the basics to be able to take part in the Big Game, and veterans work towards a goal, learning specific skills to use in the Big Game.

After the first Mil-Sim, evaluate the event and improve for the next year.

Couldn't say it better so I copy and paste ! That's my point of view.
I'm oriented toward realism and Milsim : few free weekend so I'm not playing fast/small game.
I really like the kind of player that plays Milsim that's why I always want to have one ready just in case ...
As for the training we need an instructor ! an Airsoft instructor ! Not me : nobody will like the kind of training I can offer Evil or Very Mad

My vote anyway

I agree with you Frag, but I really do want more out of my MilSim's too. People who show up will have to want to be part of a script. People will have to want to put time and money into making a game happen. We really need to build up and develop a field. I want more than just bush for my sims.

(I also have the high quality 500mb file on my comp if anyone wants)

They are using cheap props but at least they really do add something to the game! We have tons of materials available around the community but we do not have a dedicated field in which to build on. If Predator Paintball gives us a dedicated piece of land, great! BUT, it will most likely be just like the Boneyard was and we loose everything! It is frustrating to find any land near Prince George that is available.

Sooo, maybe we should all discuss wether we want to go ahead on developing a piece of land at Predator. I think that it would be worth the effort if we go out, see the extent of her land, and develop a piece well away from the PB area (ie that upper road, not the PB road). That and if we do get #$@$'d over, we go back and salvage the sandbags and what not.

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