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 The NIA Mission Statement Discussion

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Number of posts : 817
Age : 38
Location : Prince George
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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Geo: Caronport, SK [Temporary]

The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 2:41 pm

Hey Guys, well as we begin to test the possibilities of having separate teams within our club, venture out and ultimately begin to throw around the idea of hosting an event, I believe that it is critical to nail down a mission or club philosophy statement. Think of it as the glue that holds us together, it'll act as something that we will be able to fall upon in times like now (with 2 arguing sides about separate teams) and refer back to when someones focus is off. This will also take away the sole responsibilities from some and open up important decisions to the club, making it easier for players to voice their opinions. Please keep in mind that this statement will never be set in stone. It is designed to change as we grow as a club and accommodate those who wish to participate, within reason that is.

Things to think about:

- Who are we?
- What do we do?
- How often, and intensity
- What we try to focus on (realistic simulation, speedball... etc)
- Our goals (ie. prepare ourselves to venture out across BC to play against anyone foolish enough to cross us...)
- What type of people we are looking for
- What are we ultimately striving for? (fun, realistic battle without the consequences, past time to bring you back to your younger years...etc.)

If you guys think I am out of my element please say so. I want everyone's complete honesty on this topic, as I begin to fear the outcomes of the future of the club.

The reason I have no added an example is to give you guys a fresh start, an uninfluenced start. I have left you guys to decide, I have only tried to get the ball rolling.

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Number of posts : 251
Age : 39
Location : Prince George/Coquitlam BC
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 2:58 pm

i think ur on to something mike...our intentions was never to stray away from the club itself...we intend to wear our NIA patch with pride....having a squad is beneficial to game play and since people have done boot camp..we all know the basics and can easily work together...the use of squads is more focused on specialties...if there is a recce squad..emphasis will be put on silent movements and intel gathering...when in need..lets say they get spotted and sh!t hits the fan...then they could radio fenrir squad to provide support and blow the hell out of everything...our intentions were not to offend pple by breaking up the NIA club...like the military...there are special branches which do specific things...when time comes and all branches are needed to work together...each squad can bring its specialty to the table and benefit the NIA team as a whole...remember...we're all learning as time goes on...no one has complete experience with airsoft
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Number of posts : 1310
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 3:58 pm

I play Airsoft for the fun of it, that is all I really care about in the end.

After playing FSJ, I was re-aquatinted with fun. Though they are seriously hardcore, winning or fighting against those guys was a blast. PG games have really become boring for me, most of the time it is like shooting fish in a barrel. Too many stock guns, not enough gear, no coordinated environments.

I only suggest rules and ideas with the goal of making things more fun. That is what I care about. When I suggested Advanced hit rules, Nov.3 2005, https://pgairsoft.forumotion.com/Bomb-Disposal-c5/The-Arm-Pit-Random-Babble-f14/Advanced-Hit-Rules-t31.htm, it was well received. People wanted to try new things.

Now, when I try suggesting a new rule or idea, people fight it every inch of the way. Why has this club become so conservative. In the beginning we would try anything, now we repeat the same old games over and over again.

What are we ultimately striving for? Fun, that is all that really matters. If people are having fun coming up with ideas that they want to try, why stop them? Everything I say here is a suggestion, something for people to try. We can at least try stuff before shooting it down.

A club needs rules to function well. Games need structure or they become more run-and-gun. Talk is essential to running a club, that is why the forum is here.

There is only one NIA and it will ever be the one club in PG. We all need to work together to make it a great club and this forum is one tool to do so.

- Who are we? •Nia

- What do we do? •Play Airsoft

- How often, and intensity •However often someone is willing to host a game.

- What we try to focus on (realistic simulation, speedball... etc) •I personally want to see more Sim but I do enjoy the occasional game of speedball.

- Our goals (ie. prepare ourselves to venture out across BC to play against anyone foolish enough to cross us...) •To create a functional and smooth club environment. This means having a dedicated field, having everyone make an effort to gear and gun up, and recruiting new members.

- What type of people we are looking for •People who are creative and dedicated towards the sport. Dedication of time is essential

- What are we ultimately striving for? (fun, realistic battle without the consequences, past time to bring you back to your younger years...etc.) •Fun Smile

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Number of posts : 817
Age : 38
Location : Prince George
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Geo: Caronport, SK [Temporary]

The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 4:12 pm

Thanks for the input Doug
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 4:18 pm

beach_boy wrote:
Thanks for the input Doug

Bah, I always sound so serious in these posts. Seriously, I enjoy Airsoft and the people of NIA, I am just an adrenaline junky, I NEED MORE RUSH Rolling Eyes

How about you Beach, any thoughts and comments? (now that a couple of us exposed our hidden secrets Razz )

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Number of posts : 707
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Registration date : 2005-11-25

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 4:20 pm


I think part of why you were getting bored with the PG games was the lack of numbers and possibly uneven teams due to noobs being thrown onto one team.

Unfortunately noobs tend to be short on gear such as matching BDU's so we tend to assign them all to the same team. The last game vs. NIA was a lot more fun and I think that was in part due to the fact that the teams were relatively evenly matched. There was no real domination on the field, and there was a lot of action.

I think numbers also hurt us. I like stealth games, but it's not much fun when its 4 or 5 guys sneaking around on a massive playing field and rarely making contact.

I think you may have found the FSJ game more exciting because they pretty much all run upgraded guns and they usually have a dozen or so players out on relatively small fields.

More action + more challenge = More fun for Doug! Smile

Oh, I forgot to mention... you should have come out to GP with us last summer. That game kicked so much ass it almost ruined every other game since! Smile
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Number of posts : 817
Age : 38
Location : Prince George
Registration date : 2005-10-26

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Geo: Caronport, SK [Temporary]

The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 4:30 pm

Just a quick note, if you want to see something change, then state it, that's the beauty, we're trying to set up guidelines to follow, to keep us going in the right direction.

I'm pretty sure that many of the noobs or the weekend warriors are now gone and we have a more reliable and dedicated group.

Keep those ideas coming in, few more and maybe I'll say some of mine..
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Number of posts : 1310
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 4:42 pm

twsmith wrote:
Oh, I forgot to mention... you should have come out to GP with us last summer. That game kicked so much ass it almost ruined every other game since! Smile

ooooh, don't remind me! Hopefully I will have more cash this summer for having fun. That and a working car that can actually make it to Moberly Lake Razz

I think that I am just going to be quiet for a while. I have already probably said too much and scared some of our newer players into not saying anything. I will lay off on the new ideas untill I get some more roadtrips under my belt, but be warned! Fenrir shall once again rise from the earth and bring about the Ragnorok upon you all, Mya ha ha ha ha! (I am not getting rid of my wicked new rank avatar, I like it too much Smile )

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Number of posts : 707
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Location : Moberly Lake
Registration date : 2005-11-25

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 4:47 pm

=Daes= wrote:
twsmith wrote:
Oh, I forgot to mention... you should have come out to GP with us last summer. That game kicked so much ass it almost ruined every other game since! Smile

ooooh, don't remind me! Hopefully I will have more cash this summer for having fun. That and a working car that can actually make it to Moberly Lake Razz

I think that I am just going to be quiet for a while. I have already probably said too much and scared some of our newer players into not saying anything. I will lay off on the new ideas untill I get some more roadtrips under my belt, but be warned! Fenrir shall once again rise from the earth and bring about the Ragnorok upon you all, Mya ha ha ha ha! (I am not getting rid of my wicked new rank avatar, I like it too much Smile )


That is a pretty sweet rank avatar... any chance of changing that medic to a medic/marksman? If so I'm game! Smile
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 5:21 pm

twsmith wrote:

That is a pretty sweet rank avatar... any chance of changing that medic to a medic/marksman? If so I'm game! Smile

Lol, well, lets see where this all ends up Razz Maybe I will drop the whole squad thing and make avatars for positions, you know +RANK+ for medics, =RANK= for gunners, *RANK* for grenadiers, •RANK• for marksmen, etc etc... Still it would be simplier to have squads, wicked awesome squads with matching'ish gear and guns. I don't know, it would be nice to have more continuity for games. Nobody said that you can only be in one squad, gear-up for mulitple squads. If the game is Terror vs. Cops, use you black BDU or Dirt BDU and the rest of the squad will follow suite. Bah!!! I am saying new ideas.... must shut-up... must not open mouth anymore...

On that note, I am off up north till later this weekend with pilot car work, so I really will shutup! Unless they have internet in Watson Lake...

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 5:22 pm

my humble two bits:
The mission of NIA is to provide stimulating airsoft experiences for all; NOOB to veteran.
This can be accomplished by:
--growing the club through games where NOOBs are encouraged; i.e. run and gun
--growing NOOBs into dedicated members through more advanced games and training; i.e. mini ops, boot camp etc
--squad format games for experienced players where they can hone and practice skills; i.e. OPs, mil-sim

It is expected that interested players will then become dedicated players and advance up the scale.

I suggest that NIA make a long term goal of hosting a large mil-sim in 2008. That means prepareing both the location (if Nic is comfortable with the idea) and the 'team'.
Team preparations would start now with the raw materials we have--lots of interested players with a range of gear. From here, the more experienced and dedicated players can start the squad concept, 'cutting a path' for others to follow as they get to that level. The objective is for the entire NIA to be one large functioning unit with multiple complemetary sub units.

This way new players have a goal to work towards--learning the basics to be able to take part in the Big Game, and veterans work towards a goal, learning specific skills to use in the Big Game.

After the first Mil-Sim, evaluate the event and improve for the next year.

just my thoughts.
Of course, I am known to be way off in space.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 5:22 pm

Mike and Doug, how many and when were the last NIA games you caught?
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Number of posts : 1310
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 5:36 pm

Hortons Heros wrote:
Mike and Doug, how many and when were the last NIA games you caught?

What do you mean Dave? Last one was up a Preditor before I went back to Terrace for the holidays... As for NIA games, I hosted quite a few PGAirsoft games in the summer while you worked, though most were never counted... I have also attended a boot camp and did lots of training with Nic. It was not the one that you attended but it should still count.

As for NIA games, I have the 4th rank for attended games. You at 20, Geoff and Bill at 15, and myself at 14.

I am not sure what you are aiming at by asking that but I find it is not a friendly question... Maybe I am mis-interpreting it but that hurts my feelings you feel that we are not relevant to the club...

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 5:40 pm

I forgot when you left and was trying to see if anything has changed since you were here last. Not hinting at anything or leaving subtle hints. Just asking.
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 5:46 pm

Hortons Heros wrote:
I forgot when you left and was trying to see if anything has changed since you were here last. Not hinting at anything or leaving subtle hints. Just asking.

Sorry, my bad, I shouldn't read into it. I really like to think that what is discussed on this forum is helpful for the club. Like I have said, I will shut-up for the time being here and let things be. Sorry to cause any troubles.

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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 5:49 pm

I think we could all take a cool down period for a bit. We have been pretty intense on allot of topics that have come up for the past 2 weeks. Seems like we are just starting to frustrate each other now. I'm going to do some reading but I'm steering clear of the 3-4 hot topics until the weekend is over. This board hasn't seen this kind of action...ever.
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Number of posts : 707
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Location : Moberly Lake
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 6:24 pm

=Daes= wrote:

On that note, I am off up north till later this weekend with pilot car work, so I really will shutup! Unless they have internet in Watson Lake...


Last time I was in Watson Lake I'd just graduated from high school so they probably only had 14.4 baud modems. Smile
They did have a nifty museum with all kinds of taxidermy work from Africa, but that was back in 1991. Damn... I'm getting old! Embarassed
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Number of posts : 707
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 6:30 pm

Hortons Heros wrote:
I think we could all take a cool down period for a bit. We have been pretty intense on allot of topics that have come up for the past 2 weeks. Seems like we are just starting to frustrate each other now. I'm going to do some reading but I'm steering clear of the 3-4 hot topics until the weekend is over. This board hasn't seen this kind of action...ever.

I thought we only had 2 issues? Smile

I'll play nice, I didn't mean any disrespect to others. I just want to make sure we don't get too 1337 for our own good and scare the noobs away.

I love you guys! Wink
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 6:34 pm

I love you too Wayne, but posting here is like walking on thin ice right now.
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 6:40 pm

Hortons Heros wrote:
I love you too Wayne, but posting here is like walking on thin ice right now.

Heh heh, we all share a very special kind of love here Twisted Evil

The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Yattapga8rp

Well, I am off, have a good weekend all!

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Number of posts : 817
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 7:13 pm

Well Dave, I would tend to think you know when I last played, it has been quite a while, hence one of my reasons for not posting my opinion in this discussion.

I did not post this to make thread so that I could keep the club running the way I want it to, its not my club to do that too, I made this because we have conflict in the midst of the club. This is purely a step forward to meet that conflict. To offer a solution, or at least begin to create one.

I know it has been a while since I played at home (what qualifies a NIA game? I haven't paid since last Spring because we never had any organized stuff) but please do not just pass this up, I believe that if we do not know why we are here and why the club exists and functions then there is no purpose to further its growth. If we do not set goals and communicate as a club then we aren't a club, we're just a group of guys who shoot each other.
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Number of posts : 707
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyThu 15 Mar 2007, 7:29 pm

It kind of worries me that every time someone does a search for Yatta on google or hotbot, that picture could pop up. Maybe we should start referring to it as the photo which can not be named and should never be seen, just to prevent it from popping up in search engines. affraid

Whoever changed Dave's name to appear as Blobby should do that with Yatta.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyMon 19 Mar 2007, 6:04 pm

-Who are we?A group of airsoft lovers from the northern interior
- What do we do?Play and train from Noob to vet
- How often, and intensity?year round with winters being less organized. More intense in the spring and fall when playing areas are available.
- What we try to focus on (realistic simulation, speedball... etc)
- Our goals-to start and help grow clubs in PG, Mackenzie, Quesnel, Vanderhoof.
- What type of people we are looking for? Mature and Honourable players
- What are we ultimately striving for? To make airsoft a known and respected sport in Northern BC. To have group of people that play and train in airsoft and related tactical sports.
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Hortons Heros
Hortons Heros

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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyMon 19 Mar 2007, 6:46 pm

=Daes= wrote:

After playing FSJ, I was re-aquatinted with fun. Though they are seriously hardcore, winning or fighting against those guys was a blast. PG games have really become boring for me, most of the time it is like shooting fish in a barrel. Too many stock guns, not enough gear, no coordinated environments.
Our games are so hit and miss. If we have 4-8 show up it's the same old same old that I think everyone gets bored with. When we have had games with over 10 those are times were we are really using larger ares, longer games and specific roles. I try and organize a few bigger games in the spring and fall but the summer is out for me. If there was a person/s that was willing to organize games and training in the summer I think that #s would be higher and that these "fun" games could be played. Winter slows down everything when we loose access to good playing areas and larger player groups.

=Daes= wrote:
I only suggest rules and ideas with the goal of making things more fun. That is what I care about. When I suggested Advanced hit rules, Nov.3 2005, https://pgairsoft.forumotion.com/Bomb-Disposal-c5/The-Arm-Pit-Random-Babble-f14/Advanced-Hit-Rules-t31.htm, it was well received. People wanted to try new things.
agreed that people want to try new things. We tried those rules and kept the amour rules but found that real hits was to hard to keep track of and we don't use them anymore.

=Daes= wrote:
Now, when I try suggesting a new rule or idea, people fight it every inch of the way. Why has this club become so conservative. In the beginning we would try anything, now we repeat the same old games over and over again.
I didn't mean to "fight" the ideas you were trying to get out there with squads but I took offense to the fact that they were created without first being brought up to the club as an idea. Something to discuss and shape with the everyones ideas. When Smith and I entered the discussion we were putting out ideas that went against what a few had agreed on. When we brought up our thoughts and concerns it seems like people took it personally. I took it personally that I and other members thoughts were bypassed when making these squads. It's not conservative it collecting and respecting others thoughts before implementing something.
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Number of posts : 1310
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The NIA Mission Statement Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: The NIA Mission Statement Discussion   The NIA Mission Statement Discussion EmptyMon 19 Mar 2007, 7:08 pm

Dave, you have quickly implemented rules that were not completely discussed or agreed on. They were stated as fact right as they were made.

Yes safety is important but some rules regarding what glasses are effective, kill rags, and barrel bags were placed and peoples who disagreed were ignored.

All I am doing is submitting ideas, some of you are taking them to fact before they are even decided upon. Like I said, I am done submitting ideas, they are taken out of context and treated as a threat to the club. This is not what I intending and I am not sure how they could be interpreted as so. These are suggestions for fun stuff, nothing that could possible affect anything in the way the club is run. Mike's articles that he submitted were a very good read. I am not going to submit any more new ideas until some of the basics are hammered out.

I thought that people would find this fun, and they have, you still have not stated why you do not like any of these ideas. And that is what they are, ideas, you have just said they will not work and go against what you have in plan. Well, share your plans.

(geez this stuff always sounds harsh, I am not trying to be an aggravator here, at least we are discussing this. Mind you, some players are feeling uncomfortable posting anything here, please don't. If it is not said, then how can we continuing growing as a club if it is seeded with dissent.)
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